Please find one quantitative and one qualitative Peer-reviewed articles that wer

Please find one quantitative and one qualitative Peer-reviewed articles that wer

Please find one quantitative and one qualitative Peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last five years with a single source of evidence. The focus of the articles should be on My practice problem (HOW TO REDUCE VIOLENCE AMONG ADULT PATIENTS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS ). Systematic reviews and/or mixed-methods and meta-synthesis are not permitted. In total, there will be a total of three articles two quantitative and one qualitative. I will attach one quantitative article and one JH appraisal tool. Remember, the JH appraisal tool is different from the JH summary tool.
Complete a JH summary tool for each article and complete and a separate JH appraisal tool for the two articles that you find that is related to my practice problem. Then, write 2 pages on the Articles differ along with their interventions as all there relates to my practice problem.
JH summary tool: descriiption of what each column should contain
Column 1: You enter your name in column 1 for each research study you enter on your Johns Hopkins Evidence Summary Tool for your future practice change project.
Column 2: Enter the article number for each study.
Column 3: Enter a complete current APA formatted reference for the research study, including the DOI.
Column 4: Enter the research paradigm (qualitative; quantitative) and research study design (systematic review; descriiptive; retrospective chart review; correlational; randomized control trial; quasi-experimental.
Column 5: Population, size, and setting
Column 6: Identify the evidence-based intervention by name Provide explicit details about the intervention including how the researchers measured the intervention
Column 7: In detail, describe all findings reported by the research team. Accuracy in this column requires you apply your knowledge and skills related to interpreting statistical analysis and conclusions made by the researchers.
Column 8: In detail, describe how and what tools the researchers used to measure outcomes. Are there biophysiological measures and if so, when, and how were they measured? Is data collected by reliable and valid tools? You will want to name each tool used by the researchers. If tools or surveys were used in the study, what is Cronbach’s alpha for each tool?
Column 9: report any limitations not made explicit in the published research study.
Column 10: This essential column is where you record the level of research study evidence and grade the quality of the research study. Each of these determinations are made when using the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool. You transfer these findings to the 10th column of the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool.
Column 11: This column is a space for you to record additional notes about this study and the contribution it makes either the articulation of your practice problem or evidence-based intervention.