Virtual Mock Testimony: For the Virtual Mock Testimony assignment, you will enga

Virtual Mock Testimony: For the Virtual Mock Testimony assignment, you will enga

Virtual Mock Testimony: For the Virtual Mock Testimony assignment, you will engage in a simulated congressional hearing while examining a local or state policy relating to nursing and health care administration. After examination of the policy, you will then identify the strengths and weaknesses and propose evidence-based recommendation for enhancing or amending the policy. This mock testimony experience will give you an opportunity to understand the policy process and apply evidence to impact change at a systems level.Guidelines: For this assignment, you will create an oral presentation using a voiced over PowerPoint which will be uploaded to the Assignment session.(The area at the bottom of a PowerPoint slide where you can add notes for reference while presenting “Speaker Notes” or “Notes Pane.”).. You will also upload your references cited in APA (7th edition) formatting. I have two attachment but couldn’t attached so will send it (Guide and rubric)