Assignment 3: Describe the Evolution of Street Gangs Hide Assignment Information

Assignment 3: Describe the Evolution of Street Gangs
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Assignment 3: Describe the Evolution of Street Gangs
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What is your overall impression of the origination of the street gangs in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago and how they have managed to expand and encompass so many different races, with different motivations? Please make sure you discuss the evolution of female street gangs in your paper. Based on your readings, the videos, and any other research you have conducted, do these gangs appear to be primarily motivated by monetary gain, or is their existence and popularity among youth a response to social breakdown in the community? Or do you believe their prevalence is the result of something else? Discuss your thoughts. Grading This assignment is worth 20 points and is due on Sunday. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric below. Submit Assignment
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