1. Are humans unique in kind or different by degree to other primates? What is t

1. Are humans unique in kind or different by degree to other primates? What is t

1. Are humans unique in kind or different by degree to other primates? What is the debate over the pros and cons of anthropomorphizing when studying non-human primate behaviors? Specifically reference at least two of the following areas- altruism, hunting, infanticide, motherhood, Jane Goodall’s research in your discussion.
2. Humans are unique among primates as bipeds. Discuss the pros and cons of being a biped and analyze the three hypotheses which look at the value of being a biped. What is the role of the environment in the evolution of bipedalism? Briefly discuss each of the three hypotheses and state which you favor and why. Which of the three hypotheses fits with Ardipithecus ramidus (Ardi) as the oldest hominin?