I also attached a PDF of the requirements for the personal statement essay and a

I also attached a PDF of the requirements for the personal statement essay and a

I also attached a PDF of the requirements for the personal statement essay and a PDF of a rough draft of my previous personal statement to help use some info to incorporate into this Personal statement.
No sources needed
Please provide with a personal statement addressing the areas identified below. Preparation of this material will help you reflect and better define your professional social work education plans. It will also allow us to know something about you and help us assess your potential and readiness for graduate education and the social work profession. Be mindful of your grammar, spelling, and syntax.
The personal statement should be double-spaced and typed, be 4-6 pages in length, include your name on each page, and number your answers (e.g., 1., 2., etc.). Your personal statement should address the following:
What key life experiences have led you to select social work as a profession? In what ways do you think your experiences have prepared you for this profession?
Describe briefly some of the major social issues and problems that you are particularly concerned about within your community and country. Include your perception of the role of social workers in dealing with these issues and problems.
What, if any, are your long-range professional goals? What work do you see yourself doing and where do you see yourself practicing after graduation? (What community? What agency/service? What population? What issues?)
Have you worked or volunteered in a human service agency? How would you describe that experience? If you have not had any work experience in the area of human services, describe your interest and participation in activities in the community or in college that illustrate how you have been personally involved with people. Specify your duties and responsibilities.
Why is the Concord University MSW online program of particular interest to you?
A fully online graduate program can create unique challenges and opportunities for students. Describe the prior experience you have with online learning. Additionally, briefly describe your academic success strategies, including personal time-management, interactions with faculty and other students, and faculty advisement.