

Week 2: Performance and Productivity in Teams
Welcome to Week 2.
This week we will examine various models of team performance, as well as the conditions conducive to high team performance. 
Course Objective(s):
CO1: Explore the theoretical foundations of team management theory in business education, and human services.
CO2: Demonstrate mastery of positive team management practices.
Select an article that is relevant to this week’s topic. Research, critique and discuss this article in the light of our topic. 
Submit this review on a two-page MS Word Document to the assignment section no later than the end of the course week. APA formatting is required. The title page and the reference page do not count toward the two pages. There is an announcement posted on how to write an article review/critique. Please remember this is an academic paper and 3rd person is required. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kunnanatt, J. T. (2016). 3D Leadership – Strategy-linked leadership framework for managing teams. Economics, Management and Financial Markets, 11(3), 30-55. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/1826415727?accountid=8289
Lupuleac, S., Lupuleac, Z., & Rusu, C. (2012). Problems of assessing team roles balance -team design. Procedia Economics and Finance, 3, 935-940. doi:10.1016/S2212-5671(12)00253-5
Wolf, S. A., Evs, M. A., Sadler, P., & Kleinert, J. (2015). Appraisal in a team context: Perceptions of cohesion predict competition importance and prospects for coping. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 37(5), 489-499.