Write a paper explaining what you take to be the most central commitments of Fun

Write a paper explaining what you take to be the most central commitments of Fun

Write a paper explaining what you take to be the most central commitments of Functionalism about mental states, and outlining at least one central benefit of the view.
i need you to follow the following restriction:
1. only use the slides that i provided and paraphrase everything you take from there please don’t use outside resources. word count is 1000 to 1400.
This prompt is more about explanation than argumentation. What you are really being asked to do is to illustrate your best understanding of functionalism about mental states, as well as your understanding of what has motivated people to adopt the view. o There are several different ways of explaining the central commitments of functionalism. You don’t need to appeal to all of them. Pick a strategy that allows you to clearly explain your best understanding of the position and focus on executing it clearly. o We’ve discussed several different benefits of functionalism. The prompt allows you to either outline more than one, or more thoroughly explain one. Be decisive about this. If you choose to outline a single benefit, spend time doing this properly and don’t be tempted to list a bunch of others as an afterthought. If you choose to outline, say, two benefits, spend (roughly) equal space on each.