Objective: To analyze the requirements and characteristics of different network

To analyze the requirements and characteristics of different network

To analyze the requirements and characteristics of different network topologies and determine the most suitable topology for connecting three groups of computers, printers, and servers while ensuring communication within and between groups, with the constraint that each group must use a different type of topology as well as the topology connecting all groups. Instructions:
1. Divide the students into groups.
2. Provide each group with the following scenario:
– Group 1: 5 computers, 2 printers, 1 server
– Group 2: 8 computers, 3 printers, 2 servers
– Group 3: 10 computers, 4 printers, 3 servers
3. Explain to the students that they need to decide on the best network topology for each group to ensure efficient communication within the group and between the different groups while adhering to the constraint that only one type of topology can be used within the three groups.
4. Encourage students to consider factors such as scalability, fault tolerance, ease of management, and cost-effectiveness when selecting the topology.
5. Instruct students to sketch a network diagram for each group, showing how the devices will be connected and how communication will be facilitated using the chosen topology.
6. Remind students to label each device and connection in their diagrams.
7. Allocate sufficient time for students to discuss and create their network diagrams.
8. After completion, have each group present their chosen network topology and explain their reasoning behind the selection.
9. Encourage class discussion and peer feedback on the proposed topologies.
10. Collect the network diagrams from each group as part of the exercise submission.
Additional Notes:
– Emphasize the importance of selecting a topology that meets the requirements of each group while considering the constraint of using only one type of topology across all three groups.
– Encourage students to think creatively and critically to find the most appropriate solution within the given constraints.
– Provide guidance and support as needed throughout the exercise to ensure understanding and engagement.