You may use Excel Price Functions as well as any of the “COUP…” functio

You may use Excel Price Functions as well as any of the “COUP…” functio

You may use Excel Price Functions as well as any of the “COUP…” functions Your solution should work after changing any of the Blue inputs. The Horizon period should work for up to 9 years. Make a Scroll Bar that changes the Horizon Date between 2 and 9 years in the future (from the Settlement Date) – NOTE: Set the Horizon Date to 6/21/2029 when submitting for Grading Make a Data Table and a Graph of RCY as a function of the number of years to the Horizon ($I$2). Use the RCY you computed on the sheet (not your function) and make years go from 2 to 9. Write a VBA function that uses each of the numbers in the BLUE input fields below to compute the RCY. The same rules apply as in step 1. NOTE: To use “COUP…” functions in VBA. You need to write “worksheetfunction.COUP…”