Presentation Content: This presentation will be worth 50 points. Student present

Presentation Content:
This presentation will be worth 50 points. Student present

Presentation Content:
This presentation will be worth 50 points. Student presentations should be 6-10 minutes. PowerPoint has a feature to record narration on slides. If you do not have PowerPoint, you can use ScreenPal (Links to an external site.) ( (Links to an external site.)). It’s fast, free and easy to use! Zoom can also be used to record a presentation. You can share your screen andrecord to your computer. These are not the only ways to record a presentation but if you are welcome to use what you like but the presentation must be able to be viewed by everyone. I am always available to provide help. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET YOUR PRESENTATION DONEYou should strive for clarity in your presentation.
The following components are required to be addressed in the presentation:
Introduction and Etiology: what causes the disease and description of the causative agent
Pathogenesis: brief description of the pathogenicity and virulence factors of the infectious agent (how does it cause disease)
Disease description: organs that are affected and on how they are affected, common signs and symptoms, stages and development of disease (incubation period, how disease occurs), prognosis, significant/common complications, what it is like to live with the disease, etc. Transmission: describe how it spreads and how contagious it is
Treatments: most common course of action
Prevention: common ways or methods to prevent transmission and infection, availability of vaccines, etc. Label your file in this format: Name of Disease FAILURE TO LABEL YOUR FILE WITH THE NAME OF YOUR ASSIGNED DISEASE WILL RESULT IN 10 POINTS BEING DEDUCTED FROM YOUR SCORE
You are also required to submit three multiple choice test questions pertaining to your disease. NO TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS PERMITTED. It is important that you come up with legitimate questions with answers. You need to put in time to come up with good questions as well as answers that are not obvious. The questions will need to be uploaded along with your presentation as a separate PDF file. Exam Question Format.pdfDownload Exam Question Format.pdf
You are required to have images/diagrams/tables in your presentation. All visuals should pertain to the information on the slide in which they appear (clip art type pictures do not count). Include the source of image under it (small).
References/Sources: It is absolutely necessary to reference all sources that were used to create your presentation (text, images, etc.). THERE WILL BE NO CREDIT WITHOUT THIS. Include references as a list on the last page of the presentation. Use any preferred or appropriate professional citation or reference format.
Five current sources are required. That means your sources cannot be more than 10 years old.
The following can be used as sources: Class textbook (include page numbers)
Reputable internet web site – .gov, .edu, .org. NO .coms – unless it is approved (consult your instructor)
A scientifically accurate text (beside class text)
List of common errors:
Speaking too fast/slow or too soft
Not defining unfamiliar vocabulary – Using medical or biological terminology not commonly used in class
Giving too little or incomplete information during the presentation Not being able to expand verbally on information you should know Not practicing your presentation beforehand and not reviewing the information pertaining to your topic
Using a busy slide background that makes it difficult to read, or is very distracting; using too much information/text
Using sound effects
No visuals/graphics at all
Using font that is too small or that has a color difficult to see
Grammatical and spelling errors