QI Question: In adult patients with total hip replacements how effective is earl

QI Question: In adult patients with total hip replacements how effective is earl

QI Question: In adult patients with total hip replacements how effective is early ambulation compared to bed rest on decreasing post-op DVTs?
Now that you have developed a Quality Improvement question and critically appraised the evidence, we will move into translation of the evidence. In this assignment, you will develop and evaluate a plan for translation of the research into practice. You will discuss how to translate existing research into a quality improvement project and create a plan for implementation of the quality improvement project. The required headings for the final paper are: Title Page, Introduction/Background, Problem Statement, Objective of the Study, Strength of Evidence, Aims, Organizational Considerations, Team Members, Planning, Conclusion, References. The paper should be written in APA format. Your final paper must include the following:
Part III: Planning
Using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA), create a plan for implementation of a quality improvement project. In this course, we are only focusing on the Planning part of the PDSA cycle. This section should be written in paragraph form and should include the items below. You will also include a copy of your PDSA template that you use for planning purposes.
Predictions/Hypotheses (What do you think will happen?)
Plan for change/test/intervention
Who (target population):
What (change/test):
When (dates of test):
Where (location):
How (description of plan):
Measures (What will you measure in order to meet your aims? How will know that a change is an improvement? Will you use outcome or process measures?)
Plan for data collection
Who (will collect):
What (measures):
When (time period):
Where (location):
How (method):