Follow the Hangman Challenge to create a simulation of the Hangman game. You wil

Follow the Hangman Challenge to create a simulation of the Hangman game. You wil

Follow the Hangman Challenge to create a simulation of the Hangman game. You will create 2 classes, a domain class and a driver class. 1.) The domain class called Hangman, will have a private String variable called secretWord, and another String variable called usersGuess. 2.) The driver class called PlayGame will call the following methods within a do-while loop (use a boolean playAgain variable for loop): Loop: Hangman aGame = new Hangman(); processGuesses(aGame); determineWinner(aGame); //Ask user if they wish to play again and set boolean variable playAgain When the loop is over call: summarize(); //to report on how many games of Hangman were won & lost by the user. ***For Extra Credit: Use MS Word or MS PowerPoint to create a UML diagram of the Hangman class. Upload it to this assignment along with the .zip project file. ****Extra Credit #2: Use JOptionPane instead of System.out.println and Scanner. Hint: Use these clues Download cluesto figure out how to find a letter in the secret word, and then put the letter in the correct location within the secret word, to ultimately fill in all the letters of the word.