Step 1: Select a microeconomic data seriesThe Federal Reserve Bank of New York o

Step 1: Select a microeconomic data seriesThe Federal Reserve Bank of New York o

Step 1: Select a microeconomic data seriesThe Federal Reserve Bank of New York operates the Center for Microeconomic Data, where data sets on a slew of micro indicators are available. Navigate to the Center’s data bank websiteLinks to an external site. and select a data series that you find interesting. Possible choices include the labor market, the market for auto loans, credit card balances, and many more.
Step 2: Write your analysisLook at your chosen data series and find out how it has trended recently. Then write a brief (1 or 2 paragraphs, maximum) analysis of the recent trends in your data and what you think they explain about the microeconomic picture for the relevant market. To earn full extra credit, relate your analysis to at least one topic we have covered or will cover in our course (textbook chapters 1 through 10, 12 through 15, or 19).
Step 3: Submit your analysisAfter finishing your write-up, submit your analysis.
What to Submit
A document with your written analysis in one of the following file types: doc, xls, txt, rtf, pdf, docx, ods, ots, xlsx, and docs.