This paper is designed to help you personally explore your desire to gain admitt

This paper is designed to help you personally explore your desire to gain admitt

This paper is designed to help you personally explore your desire to gain admittance to nursing school, your personal goal to become a nurse, and your concerns about nursing as a profession. Drawing on both your personal experience and information covered in class discussion and assigned readings, write an essay, no longer that 3 pages typed, double spaced (Times New Roman, 12 point font), that addresses the following areas:
Your past experience/history with nursing. This may be from being a patient yourself, caring for a loved one, work experience, or simply impressions you’ve formed in talking with, or observing, other healthcare personnel. Discuss what it is you’ve seen and learned about nursing and from where, that has drawn you to the profession.
Think about your MBTI results and what you know about yourself. Discuss your personality traits and personal strengths that you believe will make you a good nurse. Elaborate regarding why you wish to share your talents and gifts with others through nursing and give an example or two of how you believe you will use your talents in nursing.
What are your short term and long-term goals to become a nurse? Discuss your educational plans and how you believe you will both gain admission to nursing school and successfully complete it. What type of nurse do you wish to be and why? What is your long-term goal as a nurse and what will you do to accomplish this goal?
What concerns do you have about being a nurse? These may be ethical concerns, legal concerns, concerns about the nursing shortage, working conditions, patient care, and so on. These are YOUR concerns; there is no right or wrong answer. What are you worried about? How might you successfully deal with your concerns as a nurse?
Be sure to review all components of the rubric as this will be used to score your paper. Include an appropriate title page, using the APA 7th Edition (template and instructions here (Links to an external site.)). The title page should be included with your paper, and does not count in the three-page limit.