I have 2 sets of data. Men 18+ and Women 18+. I have 35 values in each data grou

I have 2 sets of data. Men 18+ and Women 18+. I have 35 values in each data grou

I have 2 sets of data. Men 18+ and Women 18+. I have 35 values in each data group. I started this and it turns out I am just confused on what I am supposed to be doing, when I think I have it right, my professor tells me I am wrong. I am uploading my excel spreadsheet of my two data groups and will upload the directions, rubric, and template and anything else needed. We have to make a stem and leaf plot for each data set as well as a double box and whisker plot using the websites they have provided in the instructions. I am also attaching what I have done so far so you can see how awful I am at this statistics stuff.