In this assignment search for a recent research paper that addresses one of the

In this assignment search for a recent research paper that addresses one of the

In this assignment search for a recent research paper that addresses one of the following topics
Access to Healthy Food
Topics include: Food insecurity, access and affordability of healthy foods, access and affordability of unhealthy foods, portion sizes, marketing to children
The Built EnvironmentTopics include: Bike paths, sidewalks, parks for safe play, physical activity facilities
The Social EnvironmentTopics include: Influence of family, friends, schools
Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalsTopics include: evidence behind correlations or causal relationships between EDCs and promotion of obesity and/or poor metabolic health
Follow the instructions outlined below for successful completion of this assignment:
Selection of Research Papers: Find relevant papers, ideally published within the last 5 years. Aim to select papers that cover diverse aspects of childhood obesity and address the prompts provided.
Reading and Highlighting: Carefully read the entire paper. As you read, use a highlighter or a digital tool to mark key points, findings, arguments, data, and anything else you find important or interesting.
Creating a One-Pager: Based on your reading, distill the main points of the paper into a one-page summary. This summary should include the following:Title of the paper, journal, and authors. Listing the first author is acceptable.
Main objective of the research; What was the question the researcher was seeking to answer?
Methodology used; Briefly describe the design of the study.
Key findings or results. What were the takeaways?
Conclusions drawn by the researchers.
Your own interpretation of what these results mean for the larger field of childhood obesity
New vocabulary; list and define words that you weren’t familiar with going into the paper
Remember, the goal is not only to understand the research papers but also to think critically about them. How do they add to our understanding of childhood obesity? What questions do they raise? How might they inform future research or policy?