Read the section in Chapter 5 on The Police as Street-Level Bureaucrats, paying

Read the section in Chapter 5 on The Police as Street-Level Bureaucrats, paying

Read the section in Chapter 5 on The Police as Street-Level Bureaucrats, paying specific attention to “state agents” and “citizen agents.” Describe your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of three paragraphs including the following:Define each mode.
Which is better & why?
Have you ever met/dealt with an officer who seemed to identify with one mode or the other?
What factors do you believe affect an officer adopting one mode over the other (e.g., education, training, personality, etc.)
Which style are you /would you be?
Watch this short video, Theory X & Theory Y. Also read the section in Chapter 5 McGregor: Theory X-Theory Y. Describe your thoughts after reviewing these resources in the form of two paragraphs including the following:Briefly, define and describe Theory X and Theory Y
Which theory do you believe dominates the mindset of most police organizations and why?
As an administrator, which would you encourage your supervisors to engage in? Is there just one answer? If not, how would you utilize both styles?
Read this article Shared Leadership: Can Empowerment Work in Police Organizations by Todd Wuestewald and Brigitte Steinheider (if the link is broken, please see D2L for the article). Describe your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of two paragraphs including the following:How has the scientific management system hindered policing?
Why has policing been slow to adopt new management concepts?
How did the Broken Arrow police department confront these issues?
What are some lessons learned to remove barriers to success in police organizations?