For the discussion board assignment this week, you should start with a brief sum

For the discussion board assignment this week, you should start with a brief sum

For the discussion board assignment this week, you should start with a brief summary of the module readings and video. Your summary should be about 150 words. Then, write about 150 word response to the following prompt:
Which costs more: capital punishment or LWOP? How much more? Why?
You must also respond to at least (2) of your classmates’ posts, in a substantive manner. You will not be able to respond to your classmates’ posts if you have not submitted an original post of your own. Therefore, in order to receive any points for responses to your classmates’ posts, you must submit an original post for this module.. Since response posts are a content-based grade, the length matters less than the content. It would, however, be difficult to earn full credit without writing at least three sentences in a response post.
General Assignment Instructions:
Please type your response using correct spelling, grammar, and syntax. Please cite all sources you use (including the course textbook) using APA format.
Reading: Chapter 8, There is no evil
Textbook: 1- Deathquest, 5th Edition
By Robert M. Bohm
ISBN 9781138940888
2- Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case 1st Edition
By Hugo Adam Bedau and Paul G. Cassell