Writing Assignment The composition is a description of yourself. Please do not d

Writing Assignment
The composition is a description of yourself. Please do not d

Writing Assignment
The composition is a description of yourself. Please do not describe your parents, your siblings, pets, friends. Only describe yourself. Otherwise those sentences will not count.
Your composition needs to contain at least 10 sentences, but not exceed 15 sentences. A minimum of 4 words per sentence.
Each sentence needs to contain a different verb. You may select from the verb lists you have at the end of chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in your Vistas book.
Your composition needs to be in the present indicative.
Please limit yourself to the vocabulary from chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
When you write your composition, please do so in Word. Do not use Google Docx or pdf your file. If I am unable to see or grade your composition because of the manner in which you uploaded the file, your composition will be a zero.
You will be allowed to upload your word file. The deadline is Monday, May 20 at 11:59 pm. Please make sure you do this assignment on a timely basis.
Many of you had many mistakes in your first composition. You need to check all those mistakes before you turn in Composition 2.
All students will start their composition: ¡Hola Profesora Zárate! Yo me llamo Juan García. Please make sure you write your name in place of Juan García.
Make sure you write accent marks and opening and closing interrogation and exclamation marks. You will lose points if they are not in your composition.
I will gladly meet any of you via zoom to talk about your composition before the due date. I will not correct it. I will help you .
This assignment is due on Monday , May 20, 2023, at 11:59 pm.
The rubric for this assignment will be as follows:
10 points. Correct syntax and no errors in grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling/ punctuation.
9 points. Very good syntax and 1 – 2 errors in grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling/ punctuation.
8 points. Good syntax and 3 errors in grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling/ punctuation.
7 points. Decent syntax and 4 errors in grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling/ punctuation.
6 points. Needs improvement in syntax and has 5 errors in grammar/ vocabulary/ spelling/ punctuation.
5 points for anything below.
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