NO PLAGIARISM Is Your Iceberg (School) Melting? What is your school’s iceb

Is Your Iceberg (School) Melting?
What is your school’s iceb

Is Your Iceberg (School) Melting?
What is your school’s iceberg? Is it melting? Are there fissures?
What fissures do you see?
Are there any Fred(s) or Alice(s) willing to step up?
Does your organization have enough scouts?
Are the No Nos controlling the organization?
Are you most concerned with success in catching fish today or planning for what may come tomorrow?
Do you have a visible example of the case for change—your bottle?
Is there a clear and simple message about the future and what it may look like that is understood by all?
Is anyone willing to swim ahead?
Owens, R. G., & Valesky, T. C. (2015).

Chapter 4: A Systems Approach to Organization
Chapter 5: Motivation: Understanding Self and Others
Chapter 6: The Human Dimension of Organization


Systems Theory of Organizations (10:53)
Organizational Communication Channel. (2017, February 21). Systems theory of organizations [Video]. YouTube.
Systems Theory of OrganizationsLinks to an external site.
Supplemental Materials & Resources

Leadership to lead for equity, learn how the system worksDownload Leadership to lead for equity, learn how the system works
Starr, J. P. (2017). Leadership-to lead for equity, learn how the system works. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(1), 40-41.