At the beginning of this module’s PowerPoint lecture, I reviewed the “ABCD and E

At the beginning of this module’s PowerPoint lecture, I reviewed the “ABCD and E

At the beginning of this module’s PowerPoint lecture, I reviewed the “ABCD and E’s” of nutrition assessment. Do you remember what each letter stands for?
In this module’s activity, you are going to self-assess the last two areas: your Dietary intake and your engagement in any Eating disorder behaviors.
Please print, complete, and scan or upload pictures of this 2-page activity/worksheet. Be sure to follow the directions below for full credit. Alternatively, you can simply type your answers directly into the word doc and upload the file instead.
A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.pdf Download A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.pdf
A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.docxDownload A2.My Diet Recall & ED Inventory.docx
Directions for the 24 Hour Diet Recall:
Please list EVERYTHING you ate/drank over the past 24 hours. Then use Module 2/PowerPoint slide #18 to estimate how many “servings” you had from each of the 6 food groups. Keep in mind that these standardized “servings” are NOT the same as usual portions of foods.
1 “serving” of grain/starch = 1/2 cup of rice or 1 slice of bread (So if you ate 1 cup of rice, you had 2 “servings.”)
1 “serving” of protein = 1 oz. of chicken/beef or 1 egg (So if you had 2 eggs, you had 2 protein “servings.” If you had a 4 oz. beef burger patty, you had 4 protein “servings.”)
Look at PowerPoint slide #18 for more examples of what counts as a standardized serving from each of the 6 food groups.
Example: If you ate a turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo, an apple, and a 2 oz. bag of chips for lunch, it would break down like this…
4 Grains/Starch servings (for the 2 slices of bread + 2 oz. of chips)
2oz Protein servings (for the 2 oz. of turkey in the sandwich)
1 Dairy serving (for the 1 oz. slice of cheese)
1 Fat serving (for the 1/2 Tb of mayo)
1 Fruit serving (for the apple)
Example: If you ate a large burrito filled with steak, rice, cheese, and guacamole and drank a large Sprite for dinner, it would break down like this…
4 Grains/Starch servings (3 for the 300 calorie large tortilla + 1 for 1/2 cup rice inside)
3oz. Protein servings (for the 3 oz. steak)
1 Dairy serving (for the handful of shredded cheese in the burrito)
1 Fat serving (for the guacamole)
Nothing for the Sprite – it has a lot of added sugar/”empty calories” but doesn’t count towards any food groups.
Add up your daily totals from each food group, and answer the questions on the right side of the worksheet.
Directions for the Eating Disorder Inventory:
Place an “X” next to any disordered behaviors you have EVER engaged in. Place an asterisk next to any disordered behaviors you are currently engaging in. If you have never engaged in any disordered behaviors, leave this page blank.
The purpose of this assignment is to raise your awareness about the importance of asking about disordered eating behaviors as part of a comprehensive nutrition assessment so if you become a medical or nutrition professional, you can identify these serious eating issues and intervene appropriately.