Conduct a simple Google search for TWO (2) recent / current events for EACH topi

Conduct a simple Google search for TWO (2) recent / current events for EACH topic you chose in the Introductory Discussion on Cognitive Dissonance.
In a Word document and organized by topic – copy/paste the source links for each topic’s recent events.
Under your source links (in the same Word doc) fully and properly answer the following:
A. Discuss generally how you suspect scientific and media literacy can influence (proliferate or assuage) the larger public’s collective cognitive dissonance surrounding each of your current / recent events (in 4-6 sentences per event).
B. Discuss generally how you suspect a lack of scientific and/ or media literacy within a larger society might affect the lived experiences and life chances (political, cultural, and social) for the people affected by each of your recent events (in 4-6 sentences per event).
C. Consider which of these events you’d like to learn more about when it comes to the people affected by the event /topic and the media and scientific literacy surrounding it.
D. Select and then state (type) which ONE of these recent / current event you will use for your Analysis in this course.