Before the commencement of Module 6, you will be provided with Excel files that

Before the commencement of Module 6, you will be provided with Excel files that

Before the commencement of Module 6, you will be provided with Excel files that assess the economic and job impacts of two offshore wind projects: the proposed large-scale offshore wind project off the coast of Virginia, named CVOW, and the already constructed smaller-scale offshore wind project in Rhode Island, known as the Block Island Project. The calculations were based on the JEDI Excel model, a tool developed by the reputable U.S. National Laboratories, NREL, and accessible to all. From the file, you will review the project data, the local shares, model number of jobs and economic impacts association with these offshore wind power plant inputs. Then, you will compare and contrast the model outputs for CVOW and the Block Island Project, discussing economic and non-economic advantages and disadvantages of developing large-scale vs. small-scale wind projects.
Review the results of the JEDI model, after downloading the Excel files for the CVOW and Block Island projects. Assess the direct and indirect economic impacts, as well as job creation, resulting from both projects. Craft a thoughtful two-paragraph response comparing and contrasting the economic impacts of these offshore projects, considering their vastly different scales. Given the ongoing bidding for new leases off the shores of Maryland and Delaware, express your opinion on whether larger or smaller scale offshore wind projects should be pursued. Provide economic and non-economic arguments both in favor of and against each scale. Submit a Word file containing your responses on Canvas for evaluation. The course facilitator will be discussing the JEDI Model results for the Vineyard Wind1 project during office hours.