Discussion Board 4 (DB4) [This is not a clickable link.] Discussion Board 4 (DB4

Discussion Board 4 (DB4) [This is not a clickable link.]
Discussion Board 4 (DB4

Discussion Board 4 (DB4) [This is not a clickable link.]
Discussion Board 4 (DB4) [This is not a clickable link.]Initial and reply posts are individual level assignments. Please do not discuss with your group members or anyone else within/outside of your section. Do not use any outside sources unless the discussion prompt specifically asks you to do so. See the paragraph at the very bottom of this prompt, reproduced from the syllabus.
To post, click “Discussion Board” below “My Grades” in the Course Menu on the left. Then scroll down to “Group Tools” and click “Group Discussion Board” to see the forums available. Click on the appropriate forum to participate. You will not be able to see the posts of your classmates until you make your post.
1) Read carefully the Reed Supermarkets case in your case packet (link to purchase the case packet available on the first page of the syllabus; the case packet is not part of your custom bundle) and the case competition presentation guidelines and the scoring form that are available inside the Miscellaneous tab>Case Competition.
2) Collins has hired a team of BUS498 students as consultants to help her solve the problems she is facing. The students made a presentation (see the PPT slide deck below) to Collins and her team of senior managers.
PPT Slide Deck: Reed Supermarkets – Patriot Consultants.pptx Reed Supermarkets – Patriot Consultants.pptx – Alternative Formats
3) Please critique the SUBSTANCE of this presenation in 150-250 words (i.e., minimum 150 words and maximum 250 words) by drawing on
– the case competition presentation guidelines and the scoring form
– conceptual material covered in chapters 1-6
– and your analysis of the case.
4) Come up with three distinct ideas for improvement. Write each item separately with single line-spacing between items. See the example below.
A) Brief title: Elaborate…..jlkj flkaj fkj afk akjsdf lkajd flkaflk alfkjalkdflaksd flakjflakjdf alskjfalksdj lakj flkajd fkalfjk akjf adjfalkdjflkasd asdjf asdjfasdfasdlf asdfa asdf asdf adf asdf asdlf j asdf asf as fas dadf ads f lkj; kjad alskd lkjjadf akjsd falkjfaldkj adsfkj adfkj a;lsdkfj
B) Brief title: Elaborate….adjkf akjf ajkfalskfjalksjf lkajsd flkjljk lkja sdlkfj alksjdf alkdjflakjsd lkajd flakjsdflaksdf lkajsdflkajdf alkjsdf adkfjaldfkj asldkfaslfk alksf laksdf lkasdflkajflajdflkajf lakdjf lakjs flakjsdf lkajsf laksd flkajsd flkajdlk.
C) Brief title: Elaborate…ajkdfjka flas; dfkja;sldkfj al kdfalskdjfaldj f aldskfja sdlkfjasdlkj adsflkjasdflkajsd flkasjflakjf lasdf lkj l lkj laksdjfalkj lkj lkajsdfasd lklkj a lkj lkj lkjasd flkja df asdlkfjas;l lkj kjj ;jasdfkj lkja kj ;lkj lkj kj asdfasdf kjasdf alskjqweinma piasdf asdui lkjasdfapdf
5) Do NOT focus on issues such as the following: there was a typo, the font was too small, slides were too wordy, color scheme was not helpful, etc.
Initial post due: Feb 11 (Sunday). There is no reply post due.
Click here to see the Grading Rubric (PDF files opens in a new window) Click here to see the Grading Rubric (PDF files opens in a new window) – Alternative Formats