Analyzing Patriots Sales Data for Strategic Insights Background: Patriots Corpor

Analyzing Patriots Sales Data for Strategic Insights
Patriots Corpor

Analyzing Patriots Sales Data for Strategic Insights
Patriots Corporation is a nationwide company operating across multiple states and regions in the United States. The company has provided three key datasets containing monthly sales, sales by state, and regional sales data over a 15-year period. The goal of this case study is to leverage Tableau and advanced data visualization techniques to generate key insights, assist decision-makers, and improve sales strategies for the upcoming fiscal year.
Following the steps outlined in Appendix 2.2, “Creating and Modifying Charts with Tableau,” of the textbook, complete the assignments below by analyzing the provided sales data using Tableau. Your task is to create various visualizations, modify them based on given criteria, and analyze data trends to provide actionable insights for Patriots Corporation.
The attached “Sales” file contains a sheet titled “Sales by Month,” which shows Patriots Corporation sales data for twelve months.
1. Begin by creating a column chart in Tableau with the sales amount on the vertical axis and the months on the horizontal axis, following the example in Figure T2.3.
Modify the chart as follows:
Adjust the axis range by setting the Fixed start to 0 and the Fixed end to 50,000, ensuring the peak sales value fits comfortably within this range.
Label the horizontal axis as Sales Month and the vertical axis as Sales Amount.
Standardize the font size across all textual elements by setting it to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales by Month.”
Remove any unnecessary grid lines from the chart.
2. Recreate a similar graph, but this time with the sales amount on the horizontal axis and the sales months on the vertical axis, following the layout shown in Figure T2.5.
Modify the chart as follows:
Adjust the axis range by setting the Fixed start to 0 and the Fixed end to 50,000, ensuring the peak sales value fits comfortably within this range.
Label the horizontal axis as Sales Month and the vertical axis as Sales Amount.
Standardize the font size across all textual elements by setting it to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales by Month.”
Remove any unnecessary grid lines from the chart.
The attached “Sales” file contains a sheet named “Sales by States,” which contains Patriots Corporation sales data across 25 U.S. states.
1. Create a scatter plot using the “Sales by States” data, with the average price on the vertical axis and the sales amount on the horizontal axis, following the layout shown in Figure T2.8.
Modify the chart as follows:
Label the axes, with the horizontal axis labeled as Sales Amount and the vertical axis as Average Price.
Adjust the axis range so that the peak sales value comfortably fits within the chart.What would you recommend for the Fixed Start and Fixed End?
Standardize the font size for all textual elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales by State.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
2. Using the same dataset, create a scatter chart for sales, including data labels with state names. Refer to Figure T2.9 in the textbook for guidance.
Modify the chart as follows:
Label the axes as follows: the horizontal axis as the Sales Amount and the vertical axis as the Average Price.
Adjust the axis range to ensure that the peak sales value fits comfortably within the chart.What would you recommend for the Fixed Start and Fixed End?
Standardize the font size for all text elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales with Data Labels for States.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
3. Using the same dataset, create a Choropleth Map, following the format shown in Figure T2.24.
Modify the chart as follows:
Standardize the font size across all text elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Choropleth Map Sales.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
4. Using the same dataset, create a bubble chart for sales with data labels displaying the state names. Refer to Figure T2.11 in the textbook as an example.
Modify the chart as follows:
Label the axes as follows: the horizontal axis as the Sales Amount and the vertical axis as the Average Price.
Adjust the axis range to ensure that the peak sales value fits comfortably within the chart.
What would you recommend for the Fixed Start and Fixed End?
Standardize the font size for all text elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales with Data Labels for States.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
The attached “Sales” file contains a sheet titled “Sales by Region,” which contains 15 years of regional sales data.
1. Create interlaid line charts for the two regions, similar to the example in Figure T2.18.
Modify the chart as follows:
Label the axes with the horizontal axis as years and the vertical axis as sales amount.
Standardize the font size across all text elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales by Region.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
2. Using the same dataset, create a Clustered Column Chart following the format shown in Figure T2.21.
Modify the chart as follows:
Label the axes with the horizontal axis as years and the vertical axis as sales amount.
Standardize the font size across all text elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales Clustered by Regions.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
3. Using the same dataset, create a Stacked Column Chart, following the example in Figure T2.22.
Modify the chart as follows:
Label the axes with the horizontal axis as years and the vertical axis as sales amount.
Standardize the font size across all text elements to size 11.
Update the chart title to “Patriots Sales Stacked by Regions.”
Remove any unnecessary gridlines from the chart.
Policy Implications and Strategic Decision-Making:
Based on the data analysis and visualizations you create, what are the potential policy implications for Patriots Corporation regarding its sales strategies across different states and regions? Consider how regional performance trends, state-specific sales, and monthly fluctuations might influence strategic decision-making. What policies could Patriots Corporation implement to enhance sales performance, and how should leadership adjust its approach to allocating resources, developing targeted marketing campaigns, or addressing underperforming regions?
Submission Requirements:
All assignments must be submitted in a well-formatted and clearly presented Word file.
Ensure that the file includes all visualizations, a written summary of key insights, strategic recommendations, and suggested policy actions.
Charts and graphs should be properly labeled and formatted as described in each task.
The document should be professional and easy to follow, with headings and sections clearly defined.