Choose one from the options below. 300-600 words. Creative Remix: create a pie

Choose one from the options below. 300-600 words.
Creative Remix: create a pie

Choose one from the options below. 300-600 words.
Creative Remix: create a piece of art that creatively adapts or illustrates some aspect in the work we have read up to this point. This can be in any medium (poem, story, image, video, song), but it must be accompanied by a written reflection that explains what aspect of the work you were investigating through your art, and what you may have learned about the literary work as a result.
Creative Interpretation: We have been writing critiques of others’ readings of the works up to this point of the semester. Here you get to write your own. You might think of this as the beginning idea for a broader midterm paper. Raise an interpretive question about any of the works we have read for the class so far, and begin to answer it by analyzing some aspect of the text. One possibility for this is to choose a passage of the work that might seem unimportant, but through your analysis can be seen as vitally important to the work.
I attached all the required readings to have in mind +