Grunge Style Magazine Cover and Spread It’s time to bring it all together. You’v

Grunge Style Magazine Cover and Spread
It’s time to bring it all together. You’ve learned a little about typography—the mechanics of organizing type on a page and some special effects. You’ve explored the Swiss Style and the Grunge Style. You’ve learned how to create shapes, lines, and repeated patterns in Illustrator. You’ve practiced using Illustrator to create textures and manipulate a typeface. And, you’ve created some collages using the Grunge Style
In this assignment, you’re going to pull all this knowledge together to create two pieces of artwork: 1) a cover for a magazine, 2) a two-page spread for the magazine. You will use what you know about the aesthetics of the Grunge Style to guide your design choices.
Some Resources
Royalty Free Textures at texturelasb.orgLinks to an external site..
Royalty Free images including textures – pexel.comLinks to an external site.
Royalty Free images including textures -unsplash.comLinks to an external site.
Activate Adobe Fonts – to an external site.
There are many, many more websites with textures one can use in their designs. You may also want to make some of your own using old magazines or paint.
Set Up Your Files:
1. Name a new Illustrator File. Use the following setting.
screenshot of how your document should be set up.
2. Open up the Properties Window, Then select the Artboard tool. Resize the 4th Artboard to 17″ wide. This will give you an Artboard for your 2-page spread. You may wish to rename your Artboard as the following:
Artboard 1 = photo references (this may be your collages or other raw images you found on line). Also include the article link you pulled text from for the spread. Think of this Artboard as the pile of images and text you have available to work with. Place small images on this page of all the reference materials you will be pulling from.
Artboard 2 = Your Sketches of the magazine
Artboard 3 = Magazine Cover
Artboard 4 = 2-page spread
Screenshot of the ArtBoard set up in Illustrator for the Grunge Magazine project.
3. Once I have my Artboard created, I like to turn on my Rules and draw a guide mark in the center of the spread. This allows me to see where the center of the page is.
What kind of Magazine will you make?
What kind of magazine would you like to make? This will help you decide what elements should be on the cover and in the spread of the magazine. Whether it’s a fashion, music, tech, sport, or lifestyle magazine, the kinds of images and way you handle text should reflect a Grunge Style similar to David Carson.
Hints to experiment with your designs
example of grunge style example of grunge style example of grunge style example of grunge style
As you gather your images, think about the textures or intensifying colors in the photographs that you find. How might you clop and manipulate to enhance the textures/colors to create visual interest.
Think about turning your imagine or flipping the photograph.
think about playing with text on the spine of the
Think about juxtaposing more than 1 image together to create interesting positive or negative space.
Find a photo with a dramatic angle to create disequilibrium.
example of grunge style example of grunge style example of grunge style example of grunge style
Repeat and rescale words over the composition.
Make shadows and manipulate the photo’s exposure to create deep blacks in the design. Or flip the text and add texture to it.
Think about how you might highlight 1 image in your design. Create visual hierarchy in the layout.
Utilize handwritten, overlapping text to create a surface texture over the entire image
Sketch out your idea
Draw out your magazine layout idea and photograph your sketch. Place your sketch onto Artboard #2.
Final Project Requirements
Use the Grunge Style of graphic design.
The spread should have text on it from an article. Use text from a news article or headline from the past month. Copy the link onto the bottom of Artboard 1.
You must use multiple sized fonts on the cover and the spreads. You choose what fonts work best for your design.
Activate Adobe fonts that are unique to your design.
Use the collages that you made in the previous project or create new work.
Use textures in an interesting way.
Use color in an interesting way.
Create a title of a magazine. NOT Ray Gun. You might experiment with ChatGPT to invent an original magazine name for the genre you’ve selected.
Include a UPC on the cover.
Use visual hierarchy in your design.
What to turn in?
Save your file a pdf as a multi-page document.
Here is a link to help you with that step.
Links to an external site.
This will create a 4 page pdf document. The document should include your resource files, sketches, the magazine cover and the 2-page spread.
Screenshot of your entire Illustrator interface with the Artboards and the Layers visible. I should see text layers, shapes, or images layers in Illustrator. Why do you do this? Well, I would like you see how you’ve used the Layers, the Artboards and other features on the Illustrator interface. This ensures to me that you’ve made the piece yourself.