creating a plan for a hypothetical educational video presentation for the non-pr

creating a plan for a hypothetical educational video presentation for the non-pr

creating a plan for a hypothetical educational video presentation for the non-profit Community Care Alliance about the technological ethical issues they might face and what potential solutions might be for them.
Use Essay and rubric attached for baseline
Provide a descriiption of the organization’s possible technological issues, needs, and your plan to assist the organization, and any pertinent research. It should include details about how you will implement the project (how you will create the video, what will be included, how and when it will be presented, etc.), how you would work with someone from the organization, possible obstacles you may encounter, and any other information pertinent to the plan that you believe could occur. The video itself is not required, only the plan for it.
This project plan should also include the components of the “community action”, such as – how you might make patrons aware of the presentation. Will you propose using flyers, talking to people at the organization, etc., and a timeline of the video from development to the presentation day.
APA 7 Student format is required throughout the essay: Example link (Links to an external site.)
Suggested Essay Length: 600-1000 words plus an APA 7 Student format reference page.
*Tip* Use the Rubric to help structure your essay