Make a copy of your scriipt that reflects both the beats (objectives) and score

Make a copy of your scriipt that reflects both the beats (objectives) and score

Make a copy of your scriipt that reflects both the beats (objectives) and score (physical behavior) for every moment throughout your play and submit it via Canvas. Your scriipt MUST contain BOTH your beats and the score. Clearly identify where the beat ends and indicate the physical action/behavior the character takes that will help them achieve their objective. If your scriipt only has one and not both, your grade will reflect that and will ONLY HAVE HALF POINTS. BOTH ARE NEEDED TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT.
DUE: Feb. 14th at 11:59pm via Canvas. In the past I have allowed you to submit assignments via the text box option, however, for this assignment we recommend attaching it as either a word doc or a PDF.