Look at the website for a local law enforcement agency that serves the area you

Look at the website for a local law enforcement agency that serves the area you

Look at the website for a local law enforcement agency that serves the area you live (or an area you are interested in working). Look for a page which describes (visually or written) how the department is organizationally designed. Explain your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of three paragraphs including the following:Identify the agency you researched and provide a link to the web page which described the organizational structure
Based on your learning in Chapter 6 identify which Basic Type of Police Organizational Design is being implemented.
Identify some key features of the department’s organization which help you to identify the design from the book (in other words describe how you know that the department is using design x).
Read the section on Specialization in Police Agencies in your textbook. Describe your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of one paragraph including the following:How might specialization increase complexities in organizations?
As an administrator, how would you work to reduce these complexities?
Read the section on Span of Management in your textbook. Describe your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of two paragraphs including the following:Identify and explain the six factors that will affect the span of management?
With this in mind, describe the organization you would like to work for.
If you were a police administrator, what do you believe would be a reasonable span of management? In other words, how many subordinates do you think you could adequately supervise and why?
Read this short article: Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America. Feel free to read the entire white paper if you are interested in learning more. Then take a look at this web page of Botched Paramilitary Police Raids, look at some of the raids close to where you live (or a location of interest) and read the details provided (be sure you look at 5 or 6 raids). Next, view this video: Radley Blako on the Militarization of Police by reason.TV. Finally, watch this music video entitled “No Knock Raid” – WARNING this video contains graphic violence and language of actual police raids – you are not required to video this video if you are concerned with the contents. Describe your thoughts after reviewing these resources in the form of three paragraphs including the following:Briefly describe your thoughts on the videos, article, and website.
Do you believe that the militarization of police is becoming an issue?
What are some ways to control the police becoming more militarized?
How can a manager of an agency work to keep these issues from occurring?