please respond to alma. with. 100. words. 1) State your name My name is Daima D

please respond to alma. with. 100. words.
1) State your name
My name is Daima D

please respond to alma. with. 100. words.
1) State your name
My name is Daima De Los Cuetos
2) your degree goal (such as a B.A. in math)
I would like to complete my BA in Psychology
3) provide one fact from Lecture 1A on Methods
Feminist Analysis Analyzes how women are portrayed in a text.
4) provide one fact from Lecture 1B on the Canon of the New Testament
Marcionite Christianity was the largest brank of Christianity in the 2nd century.
5) one fact from the Click HERE to Start page
To submit an assignment, we must type answers as a work.doc or pdf no other file will be allowed. It must be an attachment and submit with tab for each assignment.
6) one fact from the Syllabus
3 Essay Exams: 100 points each, 300 total points possible.
7) one fact from the Netiquette page
Thou shalt read weekly lectures and textbook readings before emailing, posting, submitting work.