Hide Assignment Information Instructions Review the Project 1: Assignment prompt

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Review the Project 1: Assignment prompt

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Review the Project 1: Assignment prompt to ensure your draft meets all of the project requirements. Complete your full draft of Project #1 and make sure it has:
an introduction
citations for 5-6 sources (at least 4 of which are scholarly sources)
an annotation that follows each citation and includes an analytic summary and evaluation for each of the 5-6 sources
a conclusion
At the bottom of your draft, include a reflection that focuses on how you feel about the draft. In your reflection, please discuss:
What areas are you confident about? Why?
What areas do you feel still need work?
How do you think you might address those areas for the final?
What specific areas of the project/writing would you like your peers and instructor to focus on?
The Topic: ““How do sports and physical activity impact the general health of students?”
The Sources:
https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2020-09/YSS_Report_OnePager_2020-08-31_web.pdf by: PCSFN Science Board and it talks about the benefits of youth sports.
https://www.rochester.edu/team/benefits-of-sports-to-students/ by: Amir Lanis and it discusses the way that sports can affect a student.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7213817/ by: PubMed Central and it talks about sports and physical activity and how the effects will stay with you for life.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBUjOY12gJA by: Insider Tech is a short youtube video that gives people a better understanding of what happens ro the body when you start to exercise.
https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/sport-and-children By: Better Health Channel is a link that talks about the way sports could have an impact at an early age.