As an advanced practice nurse (ER NURSE), you will need to find ways to make all

As an advanced practice nurse (ER NURSE), you will need to find ways to make all

As an advanced practice nurse (ER NURSE), you will need to find ways to make all patients feel comfortable with you as you conduct a physical exam, and one way to do that is by developing cultural competence. The LGBTQ community is a very diverse population that you will likely interact with as a nurse. Understanding the health disparities and barriers to care that are common in the LGBTQ population are important factors when approaching a patient for an exam.
Read An Ally’s Guide to Terminology: Talking about LGBT People & Equality before starting this assessment.
A patient presents to your office who self-identifies as lesbian and uses she/her/hers pronouns. She is experiencing symptoms of a possible vaginal infection.
You know that the population she identifies with experiences major barriers to health care, including a history of negative health experiences as well as a lack of clinician knowledge and financial barriers.
Assessment Deliverable
Consider the patient in the scenario and how would you approach your assessment of the patient.
Create an 8- to 12-slide presentation, with speaker notes, in which you address the following:
Give examples of sexual and reproductive health disparities related to caring for patients in the LGBTQ community.
Describe the barriers this population may face in accessing health care.
Explain the strategies you can use to decrease the patient’s discomfort while you are assessing them.
Give examples of how you will use appropriate wording that is inclusive and considers the patient’s identity and pronouns during your assessment.
Discuss resources available in your community to providers and patients regarding health care for individuals in the LGBTQ community.
Discuss how the patient’s age may influence the assessment. If this patient were an adolescent versus an older adult.
Cite a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.
Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines. Include an APA formatted Cover Sheet and write your paper in APA format.