As you know, your final “exam” for this class is a creative project OR a summary

As you know, your final “exam” for this class is a creative project OR a summary

As you know, your final “exam” for this class is a creative project OR a summary/reflection on a scholarly source. Your grade for the final exam will come from four parts:
Due: Thursday, 4/18, before class (the final version of your project is due this day)
For your final assignment, select one of the following options:
Creative Project: Choose any literary text (or several texts) that we have read this semester and engage with it in some unique, creative way. I have provided many ideas for creative projects on this Google Doc. 
Part 3:
You are required to present your final exam project to the class at the end of the semester in 5 minutes or less. 
If you complete a creative project, here’s what your presentation needs to: 
Clarify what text(s) that we studied this semester inspired your creative project.
Describe what about the text inspired your work so we can really understand how your project connects to the text. 
In this description, share at least one quote or passage from the text to support your creative engagement with the text.
Show us your creative project or a portion of it (or perform it for us, or play it for us, or read a portion of it for us).
Describe what you are trying to accomplish in your creative project (talk about special details you included in the project that might not be totally apparent to us).  Pretend that we know nothing about your project or text when you explain your cool details.
Conclude your presentation by doing ONE of the following: by explaining if you hope to work on your project further in the future, and what you hope to do with it; OR
by noting what you might do differently if you were to create the project again; OR
by explaining what you learned overall from creatively exploring this text.
Evaluation Criteria for the PRESENTATION of the Creative Project
Student Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Presentation Grade: ________ / 40
Did you:

_____ / 5 points: Speak loudly enough for the entire room to hear you.
_____ / 5 points: Verbally deliver your information in a mostly organization fashion.
_____ / 5 points: Share your creative project (or part of it) with the class.
_____ / 5 points: Clarify what text(s) that we studied this semester inspired your creative 
_____ / 5 points: Describe what about this text inspired your work so we can understand 
                 how your project connects to the text.  You could share a quote, passage, or image
                 from the text to support your creative engagement with the text.
Did you:

_____ / 5 points: Describe what you are trying to accomplish in your creative project 
_____ / 5 points:  Also explain at least one special detail you included in the project that 
                might not be totally obvious to us.  
_____ / 5 points: Conclude your presentation by doing ONE of the following:
by explaining if you hope to work on your project further in the future, and what you hope to do with it; OR
by noting what you might do differently if you were to create the project again; OR
by explaining what you learned overall from creatively exploring this text.
Evaluation Criteria for the CREATIVE PROJECT
It is not easy to assign a grade to creative work, especially since I have permitted you to tap into your own interests and skills to create your projects.  The grading criteria below reflects (I hope) the labor you put into your project, the ideas at work in it, and how aesthetically pleasing the final product turned out:
A+ (100% = 40/40): Student has developed a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  The project explores a text in an extremely unique way, which allows the audience to more fully appreciate the original literary text.  This creative project obviously took significant time and effort to complete, and the student communicated throughout most of the semester that they were working on the project.  The final product has gone above and beyond my guidelines, and it is interesting, aesthetically pleasing, organized, nearly error-free, and stimulating.
A (95% = 38/40): Student has developed a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  The project explores a text in a unique way, which allows the audience to more fully appreciate the original literary text.  This creative project took time and effort to complete, though perhaps not as much time as the projects in the A+ category.  The student submitted a draft or work in progress, and the final product is interesting, aesthetically pleasing, organized, and thought-provoking.  It might contain minor errors.
B (85% = 34/40): Student has created a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  Although it clearly took time to complete this project, it is a little more haphazardly put together, especially in comparison to the projects in the A and A+ categories. Although the project has an interesting idea at its core and is developed fairly well, it required more time to be aesthetically pleasing.
C (75% = 30/40): Student has created a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  However, it is clear that this project was rushed and not put through much of a revision or drafting process, if at all.  Although the project has an interesting idea at its core, it needed more time to be fully developed and to be aesthetically pleasing.
F (0%): Student has not submitted a creative project, has asked AI or another person to complete the project for them, or has submitted a project that has nothing to do with our class.