Assignment Instructions: Dataset Selection: Select a suitable dataset for perfor

Assignment Instructions:
Dataset Selection: Select a suitable dataset for perfor

Assignment Instructions:
Dataset Selection: Select a suitable dataset for performing a cluster analysis. Explain why you have chosen this specific dataset and what you hope to discover from this analysis. Cluster Analysis: Perform a cluster analysis on your selected dataset. Document the steps you took and include the code you used for your analysis. Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Agglomeration Schedules: Discuss how you applied hierarchical and non-hierarchical agglomeration schedules in your cluster analysis. Explain the differences between these schedules and their impacts on the results of your analysis. Results Interpretation: Interpret the results of your cluster analysis. Discuss the insights gained from this analysis and explain how the agglomeration schedules impacted your results. Real-world Applications: Discuss how the insights from your cluster analysis could be applied in a real-world context. Explain the relevance and potential impact of these insights.
Submission Format: Your submission should be a maximum of 500-600 words (excluding Python/R code). Submit your assignment in APA format as a Word document or a PDF file. Include your written analysis and any tables or visualizations that support your findings. If you used any software for your calculations (like R, Python, Excel), please include your code or formulas as well. Include an APA-formatted reference list for any external resources used.

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