Assignment Instructions The Lessons 4 Reflection has two parts: one requires sho

Assignment Instructions
The Lessons 4 Reflection has two parts: one requires sho

Assignment Instructions
The Lessons 4 Reflection has two parts: one requires short answers and the other is an essay. Both ask you to reflect upon the things you have learned in the course to this point.
Part 1: Reflective Short Answer (5 points each)
Answer each question in a paragraph of 200 words (or less), with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and logical sequencing.
1. Identify one health profession that might interest you. Then locate the national, professional organization website (for example: for academic advising it would be the National Academic Advising Association) for this profession and use it to identify one trend or topic affecting the profession. Briefly describe this trend or topic.
Grading Guidelines for Part 1
A well-written response will be a thoughtful and direct response to the question or prompt posed, will demonstrate an honest and deep reflection, and must be written in a clear and concise way, with few, if any, errors in fact or writing. Remember to use your own words. The bulk of your grade will be based on the depth of your reflection and quality of your support. However, the organization, clarity, and readability of your answers will also be a factor.
Part 2: Reflective Essay (15 points, 5 points each)
For this essay, reflect upon your personal strengths based on the characteristics as defined in this lesson. Write an essay of 500 words (with an introduction, body, and conclusion) that fully addresses the following four questions:
1. In which three characteristics are you strongest? Provide evidence to support your claim.
2. In which three characteristics are you weakest? What are your plans to grow in these areas? (All of these characteristics can be developed. Some may possess a natural ability or aptitude for some areas, but no characteristic is unattainable.)
3. What do you hope to learn from this course? Why do you want to learn this?
Grading Guidelines for Part 2
Imagine that your audience (who will be reading this paper) will be colleagues in your field, so write professionally and logically. This is a personal reflection, so I do not expect that you’ll need to reference any sources. If you do, reference all sources using APA formatting style
Links to an external site.
This is a reflection essay. A well-written essay will have a thoughtful and direct response to the questions posed, will demonstrate an honest and deep reflection, and must be written in a clear and concise way, with few, if any, errors in fact or writing. Remember to use your own words in writing this paper. The bulk of your grade will be based on the depth of your reflection and quality of your support. However, the organization, clarity, and readability of your essay and how well you addressed the stated audience (e.g., used audience-appropriate language) will also be a factor.