Assignment: Redact a substantive response to a case presentation and to anoth

Redact a substantive response to a case presentation and to another comment by a classmates.
An Example of what would be “substantive”:
In your group’s presentation, you refer to ….. in the 8th slide. I am not sure if I can agree with it because…….
I enjoyed reading your post. While I broadly agree with your comments, I still believe that ……….
I have attached the presentation you need to comment on, also see below a comment from another student to this presentation. I need a “substantive” replay to his comment and you can also use it as an example of how needs to be your comment on the presentation.
” This is a comment related to the case study of Group 2 – “Realizing the Dream: Decision Making in Action”.
I like how in the beginning of slide 1 the group not only gives us a background about their company but jump straight to the issue the company is currently faced with thinking strategically about how to introduce the case study along with the problem.
They do a really good job about specifically stating what a variable and fixed cost is based on their assigned companies expenses in case someone reading the presentation doesn’t fully understand. They even go an extra mile to put it in a chart so that people can see in greater detail what they are referring to. They clearly described in slide 20 the three possible approaches the company can take due to the situation of them losing referrals. Each option clearly explains how it could benefit the company as a whole allowing for one to analyze the benefits of each option individually. I couldn’t agree more with the idea of renegotiating the agreement with Manna Healthcare because in addition from receiving a lower patient referral from Manna Helathcare they also have a 40% revenue sharing agreement. Which if you come to think about is a pretty good amount if most of the referrals aren’t coming from them directly. They could also cut costs and try to save more by handling themselves more of the workload. Thinking about possibly increasing marketing and referrals through schools and the local community is a very good approach to increase referrals.
Although this group didn’t make a video recording of there presentation which might of been better they did do an excellent job with their overall slides presentation explaining and addressing all the important points of their case study.”