Basically, you are going to be acting like a consultant for this company. for ex

Basically, you are going to be acting like a consultant for this company.
for ex

Basically, you are going to be acting like a consultant for this company.
for example, let′s say General Electric is your company. You just became a consultant for General Electric.
General Electric top management team and board of directors. Just are your view.
You are going to prepare a comprehensive report. And very importantly, you′re going to identify their problems and find solutions for their problems.
Exceeds Minimum Standards
Introduction to the Organization – 5 points. One page max. Includes essential material in this section. Any additional material is in an appendix. 4-5 points
Analysis of the Industry and Competitors
Strategic group, Porter’s 5 Forces, Industry CSF’s, competitors. – 15 points Analyzes organization’s strategic group(s), critical success factors for industry, & lists successful & failed organizations. Discusses Porter’s 5 Forces & provides an in-depth analysis for industry & organization-13-15 points
Analysis of Macro-Environment (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological forces; Global Factors; Threats & Opportunities facing the organization) – 15 points Demonstrates knowledge of, & capability to apply, theories and tools in the analysis of Macro-Environment (e.g., Political, Economic, Social, and Technological forces). Also identifies the threats and opportunities facing the organization. 13-15 pts points
Analysis of Organization – Measurement and control system – Current financial position; Use financial analysis tools – Compare with competitors and standards. Utilize financial ratios. List KPI’s. 15 points. Applies financial analysis theories and tools to determine organization’s current financial position & compares it with competitors and standards. Discusses its measurement and control system & KPI’s – 13-15 points.
Analysis of Organization – I Mission, Vision, Core Values, Operating Guidelines, Core Competencies, Goals and objectives. 10 pts. Demonstrates knowledge and capability to apply theories and tools in the analysis of the organization in terms of its mission, vision, core values, operating guidelines, and core competencies – 9-10 points.
Analysis of Organization – II Current Strategies (at all levels), Alignment with goals, structure. Compare with competition. SWOT & Gap analyses. Suggest & evaluate strategies. –15 points Demonstrates knowledge of, and capability to apply, theories/tools in analysis of organization (current strategies, alignment of strategies with goals, competition). Uses SWOT & Gap analyses. Suggests new strategies. Evaluates advantages/disadvantages of each. 13-15 points.
Identification of problems and alternative solutions. Identify problems, offer solutions, and pick the best solution (explain why)
– 20 points Identifies problems and offers sound alternative solutions, justifies the chosen solutions. – 18 to 20 points
Conclusion and Future of Organization – 5 points Addresses expected results & organization’s potential for future success – 4-5 points