Business Environment – Queensland University of Technology

Business Environment – Queensland University of Technology

Assignment Task 

The client has now commissioned you to write a second report to analyze and evaluate the impact of the policy, international and geopolitical environments on the business environment of the Australian Online food ordering and delivery sector (the focus sector). The client has specified that there are to be four sections in the report:

  1. An overview of the contemporary Australian macroeconomic policy environment in shaping the broad economic conditions of the economy and the potential implications for the business environment of the focus sector.
  2. An overview of the Australian targeted policy and regulatory environment with analysis of ONE policy/regulation that has directly impacted the business environment of the focus sector.
  3. An overview of the key features of Australia’s international trade environment with an emphasis on the contribution of the focus sector (both direct and indirect).
  4. An overview of the geopolitical environment with a focus on ONE contemporary geopolitical issue that has substantially impacted the business environment of the focus sector.

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