Write a research paper on the following. The assignment has four requirements:

Write a research paper on the following. The assignment has four requirements:
1.) Select a publicly-traded company that is traded on U.S. exchange. Locate the annual report for at least the last three fiscal years.
Analyze the financial statements for the company and review for large movements in specific accounts from one year to the next. In addition, review the notes to the financial statements as these are an integral part of the financial reporting package. Evaluate the balance sheet to determine if there are large changes in the company’s assets, liabilities, or equity accounts. In addition, analyze the income statement and statement of cash flows.
2.) Calculate the following ratios for two years, the debt-to-equity ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, return on equity, and net profit margin. For each ratio, explain what the ratio tells you about the company.
3.) Prepare a vertical analysis of the income statement and balance sheet.
4.) Prepare a horizontal analysis of the income statement and balance sheet.
The research paper must have a minimum of 5 or more pages (excluding the title and reference page) and be formatted in APA 7th edition.
Note that your attached paper will automatically be submitted to Turnitin, and an Originality Report should be sent back to the classroom within around 15 minutes. The Originality report does not actually recommend changes. It does point out where you may need to add a citation or quotation marks (if not already cited). Once you use it a few times, you will appreciate this tool, as it will assist you in improving quality and content, as well as avoid plagiarism. Your goal is to keep direct quotations to a minimum and to make sure that you do not just cut and paste material. Ensure that all your references are cited. A report with a similarity index less than 25% is acceptable for undergraduate-level work.
Your paper will be evaluated according to the Writing Assignment Grading shown below. To maximize your grade, be sure to use the proper organization (intro, body, conclusion) and follow APA style. Your paper should have a title page and reference page, but you do not need an abstract for this assignment.
Homework Problems Grading Criteria
•Assigned exercises/problems are completed in full.
•Work demonstrates effective application of the concepts/principles covered in the chapter.
•Work thoroughly explains answers and calculations.
•Solutions are calculated with no errors or insignificant errors.

In this file, you will need to identify relevant and irrelevant costs and benefi

In this file, you will need to identify relevant and irrelevant costs and benefits in a decision. Recommend a decision to retain or drop a product line. And explain the impact of a constraining resource on a profitability.
I have attached two files. One is the Cost Relevancy excel document that needs to be completed. The second is a PRACTICE EXAMPLE one should you need to refer to it. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your help.

In this file, you will need to identify relevant and irrelevant costs and benefi

In this file, you will need to identify relevant and irrelevant costs and benefits in a decision. Recommend a decision to retain or drop a product line. And explain the impact of a constraining resource on a profitability.
I have attached two files. One is the Cost Relevancy excel document that needs to be completed. The second is a PRACTICE EXAMPLE one should you need to refer to it. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your help.

You will need to recommend whether to sell a joint product at the split-off poin

You will need to recommend whether to sell a joint product at the split-off point or to process further. Please read the excel file carefully. I have attached two excel files. One is the question that needs to be completed and the other is an EXAMPLE PRACTICE ONE should you need it for reference. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your help.

Questions 1. When auditing cash, which of the management assertions discussed in

1. When auditing cash, which of the management assertions discussed in SAS No. 106,
“Audit Evidence,” are of primary concern to an auditor? Why?
2. Identify audit procedures that should be applied to cash funds maintained by a
client on its business premises.
3. Identify mistakes or oversights made by Arthur Andersen personnel while
auditing the cash funds at the 177th Street Branch
Please review the case facts and answer the questions.
Please note that for question number 1, ignore SAS 106 and instead refer to AS 1105, Audit Evidence, which can be found here: https://pcaobus.org/oversight/standards/auditing-standards/details/AS1105

The Introduction section gives an overview of the Fox Factory Holding Corporatio

The Introduction section gives an overview of the Fox Factory Holding Corporation. You will play the role of the divisional manager of the new e-bike division of the company. The business plans to sell electric bikes to consumers in the United States (note that this is a fictitious assumption for the case study). The product has been designed but is not yet in production. The divisional manager is preparing to request funding to introduce the product and begin sales. Three options have been identified:
Produce the new e-bike internally.
Outsource manufacturing to another manufacturer.
License the design to an existing company for royalties on future sales
In a 2 page APA formatted paper (no title page, must include separate reference page with two sources)Summarize the company’s financial information.
Summarize your perception of their outlook for the next three years.
Elaborate on the three potential options that will be evaluated in the case.
Evaluate two factors that might impact the decision to pursue each option.

The Role of Management Accounting Management Accounting Financial accounting and

The Role of Management Accounting
Management Accounting
Financial accounting and managerial accounting are subdivisions of accounting and play an essential role within an organization.
Discuss the major differences between managerial and financial accounting then apply your understanding to the following 4 scenarios. Discuss if these are managerial accounting or financial accounting and why.
A company is looking to increase its gross profit by reducing costs for the upcoming periods. To further investigate, the production manager pulls reports that detail costs in the previous year. After discussions with the purchasing manager, he creates a budget based on assumptions and estimates.
An investor researching profitable companies pulls quarterly reports of various corporations. The reports are prepared according to GAAP with objective information and focus on the business as a whole. Are the reports prepared using managerial or financial accounting?
To fund its expansion in the upcoming year, Deacon Corporation negotiates a $4,000,000 loan with a local bank. The bank requires financial statements to ensure the company’s ability to pay interest and repay the principal. Would Deacon Corporation use managerial or financial accounting to create the reports for the bank?
During an audit, an agent looks at the company’s financial statements to verify that the same accounting practices were used in the tax return for a certain expense. Would the financial statements used by the agent be prepared using managerial or financial accounting?
Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.
Chapter 1 in Managerial Accounting
Treec, Dock D. (2021). Management accounting. Business News Daily.: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/16202-management…
Module 01 PowerPoint Presentation
Thomson, Jeff. (2021). 2022 will be the year of the management accountant. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffthomson/2021/12/2…