After reading the two short primary source documents listed below, construct an

After reading the two short primary source documents listed below, construct an essay based on the following question:
How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery?Primary Source Documents
Your essay should be based on your reading and analysis of the primary source documents. Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages in length and use double-spacing and 12 point font. Please use MLA style. Petition of Slaves in Boston, ProvinceMassachusetts Bay by FelixDownload Petition of Slaves in Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay by Felix
Freedom Petition of Prince HallDownload Freedom Petition of Prince Hall

The final paper will consist of an annotated bibliography comprised of 10 acade

The final paper will consist of an annotated bibliography comprised of 10

The final paper will consist of an annotated bibliography comprised of 10
academic sources and 10 corresponding annotations(each one at least six sentences). The topic of your annotated bibliography should fit
within the context and focus of (African American). The preceding includes 4 categories: art, religion,
history and language. I strongly suggest that you select a topic early. Specific instructions will be
provided with adequate time for completion. Students can either select a topic that relates to the
focus of the class or request that a topic be assigned. All topics must be approved by the
instructor. you can just pick a subject for now
I uploaded an example what it should be like

Write a 1000-1300 word persuasive essay that addresses the prompt below. In clas

Write a 1000-1300 word persuasive essay that addresses the prompt below.
In clas

Write a 1000-1300 word persuasive essay that addresses the prompt below.
In class we discussed the ways Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers challenges previous interpretations of white women enslavers. Choose three chapters that you find most effective and explain what made those chapters successful. Choose one additional chapter that you found less successful than the others and explain what made this fourth chapter fall flat. Ultimately what do you see as the most significant contribution Jones-Rogers made to the field? Be sure to support your assertions with textual evidence and document properly.

Write a 1000-1300 word persuasive essay that addresses the prompt below. In clas

Write a 1000-1300 word persuasive essay that addresses the prompt below.
In clas

Write a 1000-1300 word persuasive essay that addresses the prompt below.
In class we discussed the ways Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers challenges previous interpretations of white women enslavers. Choose three chapters that you find most effective and explain what made those chapters successful. Choose one additional chapter that you found less successful than the others and explain what made this fourth chapter fall flat. Ultimately what do you see as the most significant contribution Jones-Rogers made to the field? Be sure to support your assertions with textual evidence and document properly.

This critical commentary should consist of roughly 4-5 pages double-spaced and t

This critical commentary should consist of roughly 4-5 pages double-spaced and t

This critical commentary should consist of roughly 4-5 pages double-spaced and typed pages…accompanied by 1-2 pages discussing the reason for your subject choice, how you would relate it to the content and methodology of this course, and your thoughts about what you learned and any other issues and ideas raised by your immersion into the subject matter.
You should utilize at least 1-2 outside sources– whether online articles, essays, social media, persons of interest and in the know, whatever seems most advantageous to you. Prompt: For the 4-5 pages – Describe African American Literature and during the Black Arts Movement. List/Describe prominent figures roles in the movement and compare them to where they are today. What are they doing? Are they alive? Are they still creating art?
For the 1-2 pages – Elaborate on the following–>The reason for choosing this subject is to learn more about the events that shaped black culture in the United States and to learn more about the city I go to school and work in, Newark,NJ. Highlight that I spend most of my day whether it be at work or school in Newark. This topic relates to the content of the course because Amiri Baraka is an important figure in the black arts movement and he’s discussed easily in this course. Explain your personal thoughts about what you learned after immersing yourself in this subject.
*Please don’t forget the two sources*

Assignment Post # 1 Africanism WARNING: ASSIGNMENT CHANGED Choose a music form (

Assignment Post # 1 Africanism
Choose a music form (

Assignment Post # 1 Africanism
Choose a music form (genre)
1. Write a post about a form of music from the Africanism Flowchart (the chart that shows how all-American music originated in Africa). Offer us a short summary of the genre, and the artists.
2. Attach to your post a clip, video song, lyrics, photographs, etc.
3. Omit. R&B, Rock, Disco, Rap, or Soul, use genres we know little about; your grade depends on it. We were hoping you could learn about forms that are not easily accessible. Remember, to do some research. One full page. Write in your own words; do not cut and paste
Requirements: In depth full page

After you choose one of the essay topics you are to form a thesis and develop a

After you choose one of the essay topics you are to form a thesis and develop a

After you choose one of the essay topics you are to form a thesis and develop a full essay and argument that expresses your understanding of the quote below and your understanding of the writer’s intention. You are to only refer to the text that the topic is from. You essay should show evidence of a fully developed thesis and clearly written essay with supporting details. Remember to only make references to the primary texts that we have read thus far. The essay should be 1200-1600 words in length, typed-double space, and in TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT. with proper Chicago Manual of Style citation, quotations are no longer than 5-7 words in length. Your grade will be determined by originality of thought. P… If you don’t follow these guidelines it will have an impact on your grade. Please note: any signs of plagiarism will not be tolerated and result in an automatic F.
Hint: The quotes below are not from texts that we have read. However, they do connect to the texts that we have read.
Topic 1: “The treatment of heroes (Columbus) and their victims (the Arawaks)-the quiet
acceptance of conquest and murder in the name of progress-is only one aspect of a
certain approach to history, in which the past is told from the point of view of
governments, conquerors, diplomats, leaders.”
Topic 2: “Their helplessness made enslavement easier. The Indians were on their own land. The whites were in their own European culture. The Blacks had been torn from their land and culture, forced into a situation where the heritage of language, dress, custom, family relations, was bit by bit obliterated except for remnants that blacks could hold on to by sheer, extraordinary
persistence. Was their culture inferior—and so subject to easy destruction?”
Topic 3: “It cannot but be very discouraging to a man of my complexion in such an attempt as this, to meet with the evil asperations of some men, who say, “That an African is not entitled to any competent degree of knowledge, or capable of imbibing any sentiments of probity; and that nature designed him for some inferior link in the chain, fitted to be a slave.”
Topic 4: “categories of good and evil are defined in terms of what is consonant or not consonant with the creative order of this hierarchy of vital forces. It is from the sacred aspects of this spiritual order that these ethical categories derive their authority. Human actions that challenge this order are bad, while those that affirm it are good.”
Formal Essays are writings with a guided prompt that showcase your ability as a writer and critical thinker. These assignments are 1200-1600 words in length, with proper Chicago Manual of Style citation, quotations are no longer than 5-7 words in length. Your grade will be determined by originality of thought. Please note: any signs of plagiarism will not be tolerated and result in an automatic F.
Topic 5: In her book, Creolizing the Nation, Kris Sealey states, “And here is where, to my mind, things became weirdly aporetic, in a way that such postcolonial situations— like Isaiah’s birth out of an immigrant mother and into the racialized metrics of US citizenship— always are. The C- opening that was performed on my body would not (could not) be covered by Medicaid. The room that I healed in for three days, as I established breastfeeding amid Isaiah’s phototherapy treatment, would not (could not) be covered by Medicaid. The rounds of morphine dripping into my body, to dull the pain of the incision through which my little U.S. citizen entered the world, would not (could not) be covered by Medicaid. So in sum, my health and well- being, unavoidably necessary for the health and well- being of the baby citizen, was an obligation outside the boundaries of the community of which that baby citizen was now a part.”
Topic 6 : In her book A Small Place Jamaica Kincaid states, “There are no American cars in Antigua—no new ones, at any rate; none that were manufactured in the last ten years. You continue to look at the cars and you say to yourself, why, they look brand-new, but they have an awful sound, like an old car—a very old, dilapidated car. How to account for that? Well, possibly it’s because they use leaded gasoline in these brand-new cars whose engines were built to use non-leaded gasoline, but you musn’t ask the person driving the car if this is so, because he or she has never heard of unleaded gasoline.”

Compose a response of at least 275 words in a WORD document which you: Discuss h

Compose a response of at least 275 words in a WORD document which you:
Discuss h

Compose a response of at least 275 words in a WORD document which you:
Discuss how Africa fits into world or Western history.
Compare and contrast the opinions of Europeans and Americans in relation to Africa and its people.
Determine what you think is the most important lesson to be taken away from African history and defend your assessment.
As support for your ideas, provide at least 2 scholarly sources. Be sure to provide both in-text citations and a References page formatted according to APA guidelines.

Compose a response of at least 275 words in a WORD document which you: Discuss h

Compose a response of at least 275 words in a WORD document which you:
Discuss h

Compose a response of at least 275 words in a WORD document which you:
Discuss how Africa fits into world or Western history.
Compare and contrast the opinions of Europeans and Americans in relation to Africa and its people.
Determine what you think is the most important lesson to be taken away from African history and defend your assessment.
As support for your ideas, provide at least 2 scholarly sources. Be sure to provide both in-text citations and a References page formatted according to APA guidelines.