The tensions that arose between Great Britain and her North American colonies

 The tensions that arose between Great Britain and her North American colonies

 The tensions that arose between Great Britain and her North American colonies as a result of taxation and other measures following the Seven Years’ War culminated in war, a movement for independence, and the establishment of a new nation. The ideals that fueled the Revolution were grounded in Enlightenment Era thought. These same ideals still shape our vision as we continue to define American Democracy 
 Are Enlightenment ideals still relevant as a guiding force in current American society?  How so? In your answer, please be sure to address current events and issues.  
 Foundations of American Government [] 
 The Declaration of Independence: Full text ( 

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address soci

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address soci

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as political corruption, the regulation of business practices, racial equality, women’s suffrage, and the living conditions of impoverished immigrants overcrowded into urban slums.  
 Atlanta Compromise – Booker T. Washington 1895 ( 

Niagara Movement (1905-1909)

 Niagara Declaration of Principles – W.E.B. DuBois – Hear and Read the Full Text ( 
 industrializationurbanization_scaffolding-how-the-other-half-lives.pdf ( 

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address soci

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address soci

 The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as political corruption, the regulation of business practices, racial equality, women’s suffrage, and the living conditions of impoverished immigrants overcrowded into urban slums.  
 Atlanta Compromise – Booker T. Washington 1895 ( 

Niagara Movement (1905-1909)

 Niagara Declaration of Principles – W.E.B. DuBois – Hear and Read the Full Text ( 
 industrializationurbanization_scaffolding-how-the-other-half-lives.pdf ( 

 Review and identify relevant information on the linked PBS American Experience

 Review and identify relevant information on the linked PBS American Experience

 Review and identify relevant information on the linked PBS American Experience site, Reconstruction The Second Civil War 
 White Southern Responses to Black Emancipation | American Experience | Official Site | PBS 
 Milestone Documents | National Archives 
 Consider the following statement:  “The persistence of racism in both the North and the South lay at the heart of Reconstruction’s failure.” Agree or disagree, and explain your position 

 Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite hig

 Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite hig

 Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite high. The growing extremes of poverty and wealth that were being exhibited at the end of the 19th century, caused some to seek ways to make possible a just and humane society, while others sought justification for the emerging social order. The promise of success was made, promoting the idea that America was the land of opportunity and that hard work led to success. Social Darwinism was used to provide a scientific explanation for why some acquired great wealth while others barely survived. Rags-to-riches stories presented a picture of the opportunities that were available to all and the success of the self-made man. 
 Horatio Alger, Jr., Ragged Dick ( 
How would you respond to someone who presents you with the arguments proposed by Social Darwinists, the stories written by Horatio Alger, OR Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (choose ONLY ONE of these), to explain the success or failures of individuals in society? What evidence would you use to support your position? For this discussion, you must first identify and present their arguments, and then your counterargument. As you collect your information for this discussion you should keep in mind the opportunities that were available to many, but also the climate of racism that permeated parts of the American society and the legalized discrimination that existed.

 In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American peop

 In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American peop

 In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American people to remain “impartial in thought as well as deed.” At the end of the war, some members of the government pushed to expand American influence but to also remain free of any commitments, a policy its critics referred to as isolationism 
In your opinion, was U.S. policy in Asia and Latin America between from late nineteenth century to 1914 truly isolationist? Discuss and support your response.
 Milestone Documents | National Archives 
 Milestone Documents | National Archives 

 The Republican victory in 1896 gave heart to proponents of prosperity through

 The Republican victory in 1896 gave heart to proponents of prosperity through

 The Republican victory in 1896 gave heart to proponents of prosperity through foreign trade.   McKinley sought neither war nor colonies, but many in his party wanted both. Called “jingos,” they included Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt; John Hay, the ambassador to London, and senators Albert Beveridge and Henry Cabot Lodge.  Britain, France, and Germany were seizing territory around the world, and jingos believed the United States needed to do the same for strategic, religious, and economic reasons.  
In your opinion, do Lodge’s arguments support the need for the United States to acquire an imperial empire?  Explain your position.
Directly and completely answer at least ONE question. Please make sure that you clearly indicate which question you have chosen to discuss. Clearly and accurately explain your answer based on factual information contained in the assigned readings. (80 points)

1300 words (double space) on  U.S. HISTORY SINCE 1877   Prompt  The 1920s expos

1300 words (double space) on  U.S. HISTORY SINCE 1877 
The 1920s expos

1300 words (double space) on  U.S. HISTORY SINCE 1877 
The 1920s exposed many issues, racial, economic, religious, cultural etc… that had been  previously obscured or ignored by many Americans.The events of these decades have resulted in a permanent mindset among many Americans even today?

 Find an online news article that is focused on a history topic that we have di

 Find an online news article that is focused on a history topic that we have di

 Find an online news article that is focused on a history topic that we have discussed in class.  
It can be discussing the topic as a pure history lesson. OR it can be discussing a historical event to make a point about a current event, but it must be focused on the history topic, not the current event.  Do not send an article in which YOU are the one making a connection between a current event and a topic we discussed in class, the author must be doing so–and they must be mainly focused on the historical event, not the current one. 
These may not be older than six months and must be from legitimate news sources (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, nor is–which is the History Channel’s website). The historical topic must be one that we have already covered since the second test.
Further, keep in mind that the easiest way to do this is to do a Google NEWS search. (Do a Google search for a topic that interested you, then limit the results by clicking on the “news” tool link).