, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics. Dome

, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics.

, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics.
Domestic Policy
If more than 60 percent of the federal budget is “mandatory spending,” what is left to cut? What economic goals do categories of mandatory spending support? What programs should be abolished or cut? Should any programs be expanded? If so, identify which ones and explain why they should be expanded by agencies such as the Red Cross. Comment.
Social Welfare is the most debatable topic in American policy politics, yet many Americans are frustrated by those who sit and collect a check every month without any desire to improve themselves. I often wonder if welfare creates more poverty and laziness. Comment.
Please watchBreaking Point: California’s Homeless CrisisLinks to an external site.
Comment, What went wrong? Is Florida heading toward a crisis, and why?
The long-term solvency of Social Security is widely believed to be in danger. Play the American Academy of Actuaries Social Security GameLinks to an external site.. Once you have “solved” the game. Share your select results with your classmates by discussing the following questions:

What options you found to be off limits, and why?
What options did you select to solve the social security problem? Explain your choices.
Note: When replying to your peers on their post for the “Social Security” activity – comment and ask questions about their choices

Foreign Policy
In recent years, the American armed forces have been called on to perform duties that are more humanitarian than militaristic, providing support after the Fukushima disaster, in addition to funds for drought victims in Ethiopia, COVID-19 vaccinations to countries who could not afford them, Ebola patients in West Africa, and earthquake victims in Nepal. Do we have an obligation to assist other countries experiencing a crisis, or should that be left to private relief agencies such as the Red Cross? Comment.
The War on Terror has created a smaller faction’s terrorist groups than in the past. I wonder if we are making any inroads in the War on Terror or are, we creating more enemies against America.  Comment.
How safe is the world today? Given all the recent Terror attacks are we making progress in defeating ISIS and other terrorist groups?  Comment.

, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics. Dome

, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics.

, you must cover all questions from “Domestic” and “Foreign” Policy topics.
Domestic Policy
If more than 60 percent of the federal budget is “mandatory spending,” what is left to cut? What economic goals do categories of mandatory spending support? What programs should be abolished or cut? Should any programs be expanded? If so, identify which ones and explain why they should be expanded by agencies such as the Red Cross. Comment.
Social Welfare is the most debatable topic in American policy politics, yet many Americans are frustrated by those who sit and collect a check every month without any desire to improve themselves. I often wonder if welfare creates more poverty and laziness. Comment.
Please watchBreaking Point: California’s Homeless CrisisLinks to an external site.
Comment, What went wrong? Is Florida heading toward a crisis, and why?
The long-term solvency of Social Security is widely believed to be in danger. Play the American Academy of Actuaries Social Security GameLinks to an external site.. Once you have “solved” the game. Share your select results with your classmates by discussing the following questions:
What options you found to be off limits, and why?
What options did you select to solve the social security problem? Explain your choices.
Note: When replying to your peers on their post for the “Social Security” activity – comment and ask questions about their choices
Foreign Policy
In recent years, the American armed forces have been called on to perform duties that are more humanitarian than militaristic, providing support after the Fukushima disaster, in addition to funds for drought victims in Ethiopia, COVID-19 vaccinations to countries who could not afford them, Ebola patients in West Africa, and earthquake victims in Nepal. Do we have an obligation to assist other countries experiencing a crisis, or should that be left to private relief agencies such as the Red Cross? Comment.
The War on Terror has created a smaller faction’s terrorist groups than in the past. I wonder if we are making any inroads in the War on Terror or are, we creating more enemies against America.  Comment.
How safe is the world today? Given all the recent Terror attacks are we making progress in defeating ISIS and other terrorist groups?  Comment.

The book review worksheet is designed to help you practice the art of reviewing

The book review worksheet is designed to help you practice the art of reviewing

The book review worksheet is designed to help you practice the art of reviewing a book without submitted a full book review. The book review worksheet can be found in the attached document. Fill out the worksheet based on your reading of Will of the People and submit by clicking on the link above.
The Will of the People by T.H. Breen

The purposes of each case study assignment include the following: To hone your

The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:
To hone your

The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:
To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources
To advance critical thinking and writing skills
To compile a response to the prompts provided
To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time
Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use at least one (1) documented example of the corresponding primary source in your writing.
Option 1: Big Business (Monopolies) and Exploitation of Workers
View the following resource:
The Progressive Era (27:30)
Browse and read one (1) of the following:
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
The Pullman Strike
Then, address the following:
Explain if big business leaders were “captains of industry,” “shrewd businessmen,” or “robber barons.”
Based on one of the resources noted for this option, assess American working conditions and exploitation of workers in the Age of Industry.
Analyze the role that government played in reforming American working conditions.
Explain the benefits of the Federal Government regulations of monopolies.
Analyze which progressive presidents attained economic justice and reform for workers.
Option 2: Who is A Progressive?
Review the following site:
Presidential Election of 1912: A Resource Guide
Then, address the following:
According to Roosevelt, what are the characteristics of a progressive?
Explain and give examples of the characteristics of “anti-progressives.”
Trace what types of activities “anti-progressives” engaged in?
Analyze the goals of progressivism.
Explain what areas of society progressives addressed?
Analyze the progressive achievements Roosevelt highlights in his speech?
Option 3: World War I
Review the following resources:
A War to End All Wars: Part 2 (6:56)
The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Nazism
Then, address the following:
Trace the origins of World War I, and assess if the world war was inevitable in 1914?
Explain if it was possible for the United States to maintain neutrality in World War I. If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.
Analyze if the United States should have entered World War I to make the world safe for democracy.
Analyze if the Treaty of Versailles was a fair and effective settlement for lasting world peace.
Explain if the United States Senate should have approved of the Treaty of Versailles.
Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page
In-text citations that correspond with your end references