Learning Goal: I’m working on an anatomy discussion question and need the explan

Learning Goal: I’m working on an anatomy discussion question and need the explan

Learning Goal: I’m working on an anatomy discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Instructions: 325 Word minimumTOPIC: Lung cancer: The beginning, progression, and how it exerts its lethal effect.
Subject Heading: Type the Number and Name of your topic before posting material.
RESEARCH (Label this section)
The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic.
Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources.
Reminder: Your textbook should be one of the sources. Best posts include secondary scholary sources.
CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section, too)
This section is only for your thoughts/conclusions. This is not research based. It is not a summary of your research.
Everyday living: Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?
Add References and Word Count at the bottom of posts.
Claimed Topic
Incompatibility between mother and fetus in Rh blood type: First vs Second pregnancy
Everyone has a different blood type. Every person has one of the four ABO blood types
A, B, AB, or O. One’s blood type can be determined by the antigens in that person’s blood cells.
Rh factor is a type of protein that is on the surface of the red blood cells. Rh blood group is
known for the rhesus monkey, which the Rh antigens were first discovered in 1940 (Saladin,
2020). Rh antigens have three common antigens which are C, D, and E. Antigen D is the most
reactive antigen. If a person have the Rh antigen, he or she is considered Rh positive (Rh +)
(Saladin, 2020). If he or she lacks the antigen, then that person is considered Rh negative (Rh-)
(Pegoraro et al, 2020). If a person has a mismatched blood type with his or her second fetus,
when the mother is Rh- and the fetus is Rh+, significant health issues can occur such as death
from anemia. If the mother is Rh+ and the first baby is either Rh+ or Rh-, no problems will
occur. Why is the first pregnancy not an issue and the second pregnancy a cause for concern?
The mother will not be sensitized.
During a woman’s first pregnancy, if she is +Rh- and the baby is Rh, there are generally no problems. The concern is the fetal blood mixing with the mother’s blood, this most often occurs during delivery (Rh factor blood test, 2018). If this happens the mother is exposed to the Rh + factor and will produce the Rh antibodies which will attack any Rh- fetuses in subsequent pregnancies. Rh- mothers are given an injection of RhoGAM, antibodies to the Rh factor. These antibodies bind to the Rh+ fetal RBCs and ‘hide’ them from the mother’s immune system and prevent antibodies to the Rh factor from forming. The RhoGam shot is needed each time the mother is pregnant with an Rh+ fetus. (Saladin, 2020). During a woman’s second pregnancy, her OB/GYN will test her for the RH factor again to do an antibody screen. Usually, this test is around Week 28. If the mother becomes pregnant with a Rh+fetus, the mother’s antibodies can pass through the placenta and agglutinate the fetal erythrocytes (Saladin, 2020). If this occurs, the children are born with a condition called hemolytic anemia (Saladin, 2020). Why should we care? Studies stated that 50% of women around the world are not fully educated about this topic and did not receive immunoprophylaxis due to a lack of awareness (Pegoraro et al., 2020). It can mean the difference between life and death. W/C 432 Critical Thinking: When they find out they are pregnant, many women are elated. But there are issues that every woman should be aware of. One of the important issues that are addressed in the first trimester of pregnancy is the woman’s blood type. One way I remember Rh is MRh+ BRh+ or BRh- = OK. (M is for Mom and B is for Baby). MRh- BRh+ =Bad. Knowing one’s RH blood type is extremely critical during a pregnancy for the health of mom and baby. If the woman has RH incompatibility with her fetus, there are treatments available, and both mom and fetus can have a healthy pregnancy and birth. Mom can focus more on the important things such as welcoming a healthy baby. Personally, I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with my second child and will be going for my blood test tomorrow. I was never fully educated on Rh incompatibility as many others. WC 153
References Pegoraro, V., Urbinati, D., Visser, G. H. A., Di Renzo, G. C., Zipursky, A., Stotler, B. A., & Spitalnik, S. L. (2020). Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn due to Rh(D) incompatibility: A preventable disease that still produces significant morbidity and mortality in children. PLOS ONE, 15(7), eO235807. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.02358 Rh Blood Test – Mayo Clinic. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/testprocedures/h-factor… Saladin, K. (2020). Anatomy & Physiology: The Unit of Form and Function. (9th ed.). McGrawHill Education

Learning Goal: I’m working on an anatomy discussion question and need the explan

Learning Goal: I’m working on an anatomy discussion question and need the explan

Learning Goal: I’m working on an anatomy discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Instructions: 325 Word minimumTOPIC: Lung cancer: The beginning, progression, and how it exerts its lethal effect.
Subject Heading: Type the Number and Name of your topic before posting material.
RESEARCH (Label this section)
The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic.
Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources.
Reminder: Your textbook should be one of the sources. Best posts include secondary scholary sources.
CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section, too)
This section is only for your thoughts/conclusions. This is not research based. It is not a summary of your research.
Everyday living: Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?
Add References and Word Count at the bottom of posts.
Claimed Topic
Incompatibility between mother and fetus in Rh blood type: First vs Second pregnancy
Everyone has a different blood type. Every person has one of the four ABO blood types
A, B, AB, or O. One’s blood type can be determined by the antigens in that person’s blood cells.
Rh factor is a type of protein that is on the surface of the red blood cells. Rh blood group is
known for the rhesus monkey, which the Rh antigens were first discovered in 1940 (Saladin,
2020). Rh antigens have three common antigens which are C, D, and E. Antigen D is the most
reactive antigen. If a person have the Rh antigen, he or she is considered Rh positive (Rh +)
(Saladin, 2020). If he or she lacks the antigen, then that person is considered Rh negative (Rh-)
(Pegoraro et al, 2020). If a person has a mismatched blood type with his or her second fetus,
when the mother is Rh- and the fetus is Rh+, significant health issues can occur such as death
from anemia. If the mother is Rh+ and the first baby is either Rh+ or Rh-, no problems will
occur. Why is the first pregnancy not an issue and the second pregnancy a cause for concern?
The mother will not be sensitized.
During a woman’s first pregnancy, if she is +Rh- and the baby is Rh, there are generally no problems. The concern is the fetal blood mixing with the mother’s blood, this most often occurs during delivery (Rh factor blood test, 2018). If this happens the mother is exposed to the Rh + factor and will produce the Rh antibodies which will attack any Rh- fetuses in subsequent pregnancies. Rh- mothers are given an injection of RhoGAM, antibodies to the Rh factor. These antibodies bind to the Rh+ fetal RBCs and ‘hide’ them from the mother’s immune system and prevent antibodies to the Rh factor from forming. The RhoGam shot is needed each time the mother is pregnant with an Rh+ fetus. (Saladin, 2020). During a woman’s second pregnancy, her OB/GYN will test her for the RH factor again to do an antibody screen. Usually, this test is around Week 28. If the mother becomes pregnant with a Rh+fetus, the mother’s antibodies can pass through the placenta and agglutinate the fetal erythrocytes (Saladin, 2020). If this occurs, the children are born with a condition called hemolytic anemia (Saladin, 2020). Why should we care? Studies stated that 50% of women around the world are not fully educated about this topic and did not receive immunoprophylaxis due to a lack of awareness (Pegoraro et al., 2020). It can mean the difference between life and death. W/C 432 Critical Thinking: When they find out they are pregnant, many women are elated. But there are issues that every woman should be aware of. One of the important issues that are addressed in the first trimester of pregnancy is the woman’s blood type. One way I remember Rh is MRh+ BRh+ or BRh- = OK. (M is for Mom and B is for Baby). MRh- BRh+ =Bad. Knowing one’s RH blood type is extremely critical during a pregnancy for the health of mom and baby. If the woman has RH incompatibility with her fetus, there are treatments available, and both mom and fetus can have a healthy pregnancy and birth. Mom can focus more on the important things such as welcoming a healthy baby. Personally, I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with my second child and will be going for my blood test tomorrow. I was never fully educated on Rh incompatibility as many others. WC 153
References Pegoraro, V., Urbinati, D., Visser, G. H. A., Di Renzo, G. C., Zipursky, A., Stotler, B. A., & Spitalnik, S. L. (2020). Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn due to Rh(D) incompatibility: A preventable disease that still produces significant morbidity and mortality in children. PLOS ONE, 15(7), eO235807. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.02358 Rh Blood Test – Mayo Clinic. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/testprocedures/h-factor… Saladin, K. (2020). Anatomy & Physiology: The Unit of Form and Function. (9th ed.). McGrawHill Education

Your signature Assignment should be in APA format with a cover page and at the e

Your signature Assignment should be in APA format with a cover page and at the e

Your signature Assignment should be in APA format with a cover page and at the end the reference page.
You need a very comprehensive or detailed discussion in essay form with two paragraphs or more when answering each question. The more paragraphs , the better, and indicate Q1 for question one , then Q2 up to Q10, so I know your answers to a specific question . Please also indicate and cite your references in APA format in the reference page . You have a minimum of 5 references for the entire assignment , but you can have more , the more the better considering you have 10 questions. Please check the rubric that will be used to grade your assignment
Turn it in Score 30 or less is acceptable
Lecture Signature Assignment
Michael X, a 25-year-old aspiring nursing student with a history of polycystic kidney disease was shot in the chest and abdomen. On admission to the emergency room (ER), the first radiograph of the chest revealed a 6.4 mm bullet in the heart and the second bullet was located in the abdomen.
Using a minimum of 5 references (retrieved from either a science textbook or a scientific peer-reviewed journal) answer the questions below.
Upon evaluation of Michael’s condition, the ER physician concluded that the bullet entered between the 4th and 5th intercostal space and lodged into the left ventricle. What is the correct order of serous membranes and body cavities that the bullet could penetrate before lodging into the left ventricle?
The detectives assigned to the case were swift in retrieving the 0.25 caliber pistol that was used in the shooting. At the crime scene, they also collected DNA samples and fingerprints on the gun. As part of the team assigned to this case, explain why your team collected these pieces of evidence from the crime scene.
The MRI revealed a pericardial effusion. Describe how pericardial effusion can affect the anatomical structures and function of the heart.
Michael sustained an ankle injury during the incident. Describe the different types of bone joints that may have been affected.
Considering that the bullet hit the phrenic nerve. Describe the effect of the injury to the major muscle supplied by this nerve. Discuss the three types of muscle tissue, (include microscopic slides of these tissues) and classify the type of muscle tissue of the affected muscle. SA_WCU_ONT_CSPMYEK
Gunshot wounds to the chest are always associated with major blood loss and disruption of blood flow through the heart. Michael X is AB+. What blood type should he receive and why?
Michael X was moved to the ICU due to low oxygen saturation levels as measured by the oximeter and was complaining of dyspnea. A tracheostomy was indicated to mitigate his situation. Based on this information, describe what tracheostomy is and trace the pathway of air to the lungs after the tracheostomy was performed.
Michael became paraplegic due to the bullet reaching the lumbar segment of the spinal cord. Describe the transverse section of the spinal cord including the meninges and indicate the affected plexus that caused the loss of function.
Several organs in the abdomen were affected due to the second gunshot. The bullet reached the retroperitoneal space; what digestive and endocrine organs may have been affected. Please include the functions of these organs that may have been compromised.
Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder in which portions of the nephron become structurally abnormal resulting in the growth of cysts within the kidney. As indicated in this case study Michael X has a medical history of polycystic disease. Trace the correct pathway of glomerular filtrate from the kidneys (i.e. starting at the renal corpuscle) to the urinary bladder.
needs to be less then 30% plagiarism to be accepted

Your signature Assignment should be in APA format with a cover page and at the e

Your signature Assignment should be in APA format with a cover page and at the e

Your signature Assignment should be in APA format with a cover page and at the end the reference page.
You need a very comprehensive or detailed discussion in essay form with two paragraphs or more when answering each question. The more paragraphs , the better, and indicate Q1 for question one , then Q2 up to Q10, so I know your answers to a specific question . Please also indicate and cite your references in APA format in the reference page . You have a minimum of 5 references for the entire assignment , but you can have more , the more the better considering you have 10 questions. Please check the rubric that will be used to grade your assignment
Turn it in Score 30 or less is acceptable
Lecture Signature Assignment
Michael X, a 25-year-old aspiring nursing student with a history of polycystic kidney disease was shot in the chest and abdomen. On admission to the emergency room (ER), the first radiograph of the chest revealed a 6.4 mm bullet in the heart and the second bullet was located in the abdomen.
Using a minimum of 5 references (retrieved from either a science textbook or a scientific peer-reviewed journal) answer the questions below.
Upon evaluation of Michael’s condition, the ER physician concluded that the bullet entered between the 4th and 5th intercostal space and lodged into the left ventricle. What is the correct order of serous membranes and body cavities that the bullet could penetrate before lodging into the left ventricle?
The detectives assigned to the case were swift in retrieving the 0.25 caliber pistol that was used in the shooting. At the crime scene, they also collected DNA samples and fingerprints on the gun. As part of the team assigned to this case, explain why your team collected these pieces of evidence from the crime scene.
The MRI revealed a pericardial effusion. Describe how pericardial effusion can affect the anatomical structures and function of the heart.
Michael sustained an ankle injury during the incident. Describe the different types of bone joints that may have been affected.
Considering that the bullet hit the phrenic nerve. Describe the effect of the injury to the major muscle supplied by this nerve. Discuss the three types of muscle tissue, (include microscopic slides of these tissues) and classify the type of muscle tissue of the affected muscle. SA_WCU_ONT_CSPMYEK
Gunshot wounds to the chest are always associated with major blood loss and disruption of blood flow through the heart. Michael X is AB+. What blood type should he receive and why?
Michael X was moved to the ICU due to low oxygen saturation levels as measured by the oximeter and was complaining of dyspnea. A tracheostomy was indicated to mitigate his situation. Based on this information, describe what tracheostomy is and trace the pathway of air to the lungs after the tracheostomy was performed.
Michael became paraplegic due to the bullet reaching the lumbar segment of the spinal cord. Describe the transverse section of the spinal cord including the meninges and indicate the affected plexus that caused the loss of function.
Several organs in the abdomen were affected due to the second gunshot. The bullet reached the retroperitoneal space; what digestive and endocrine organs may have been affected. Please include the functions of these organs that may have been compromised.
Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder in which portions of the nephron become structurally abnormal resulting in the growth of cysts within the kidney. As indicated in this case study Michael X has a medical history of polycystic disease. Trace the correct pathway of glomerular filtrate from the kidneys (i.e. starting at the renal corpuscle) to the urinary bladder.
needs to be less then 30% plagiarism to be accepted

The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment: Imagine: A person is posing while resting o

The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment:
A person is posing while resting o

The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment:
A person is posing while resting on a small, narrow platform that only supports their trunk, neck and head.
They are in a horizontal, prone, position.
Their limbs are arranged as described below and they must contract some appendicular skeletal muscles to maintain the position of the limbs.
Required arrangement of the limbs:
Hands and fingers extended
Forearms pronated
Forearms flexed at the elbow
Arms at a 90 degree angle from the trunk (i.e., straight down)
Thighs horizontal to the ground and abducted
Legs vertical (flexed at knee)
Feet plantarflexed at ankle
Scapulae adducted (assume that the rhomboid major and minor muscles and the trapezius muscle (middle fibers) are the prime mover muscles responsible for scapular adduction).
The assignment: Name and describe the prime mover appendicular muscles (see Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info) or most important appendicular muscle groups (if there are/is no prime mover(s) listed in Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info) that must be contracted to maintain the pose plus the innervation of the relevant muscles (see Tables in Tortora Ch. 11 and 17 for innervation of muscles).
Organize your description by the appendicular joint(s) at which movement of the relevant body part occurs.There must be only 8 paragraphs in your essay. The first 7 paragraphs must be about the prime mover muscles that must contract to maintain the pose at a specific appendicular joint plus innervation for each muscle (specify which nerve innervates which muscle). The 8th paragraph should address scapular adduction.
Fingers/wrist (gross movements caused by forearm muscles – don’t include intrinsic hand muscles)
Distal & proximal radioulnar joints
Ankles (talocrural joint)
NOTE: You must use the information in Tortora Chapters 11 and 17 and the Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Infotables for this assignment. No outside sources!
You are required to do this by yourself, using Tortora information & the Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Infotables, although you may ask me questions about the assignment.You may email me a preliminary version of the assignment for feedback.
The prime mover muscles that you must discuss in this essay for paragraphs 1-7 are all in Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle InfoDownload Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle InfoFor paragraphs 1-7, do not name muscles with actions at the joint if they are not listed as prime movers for the required action in Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle InfoDownload Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info
The information concerning scapular adduction (paragraph 8) may be found in Tortora.
Required File Naming Format: The filename must be as follows: lastname-first initial-section#.xxx, where xxx is doc, docx, or pdf, depending on the file type you saved (e.g., for a student with the last name Adam Smith, in section #1000, an doc file would be smith-a-1000.doc).
Submit your document via the File Upload function (select “Drag a file here” or “Choose a file to upload”).

Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the

Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the

Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the “radiator theory”) with the case Elaine Morgan makes for an aquatic role in human evolution . Which do you think is most plausible, and why?
Your answer should be limited to 300 words (approx. 1 page). https://www.ted.com/talks/elaine_morgan_i_believe_…