The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment: Imagine: A person is posing while resting o

The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment:
A person is posing while resting o

The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment:
A person is posing while resting on a small, narrow platform that only supports their trunk, neck and head.
They are in a horizontal, prone, position.
Their limbs are arranged as described below and they must contract some appendicular skeletal muscles to maintain the position of the limbs.
Required arrangement of the limbs:
Hands and fingers extended
Forearms pronated
Forearms flexed at the elbow
Arms at a 90 degree angle from the trunk (i.e., straight down)
Thighs horizontal to the ground and abducted
Legs vertical (flexed at knee)
Feet plantarflexed at ankle
Scapulae adducted (assume that the rhomboid major and minor muscles and the trapezius muscle (middle fibers) are the prime mover muscles responsible for scapular adduction).
The assignment: Name and describe the prime mover appendicular muscles (see Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info) or most important appendicular muscle groups (if there are/is no prime mover(s) listed in Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info) that must be contracted to maintain the pose plus the innervation of the relevant muscles (see Tables in Tortora Ch. 11 and 17 for innervation of muscles).
Organize your description by the appendicular joint(s) at which movement of the relevant body part occurs.There must be only 8 paragraphs in your essay. The first 7 paragraphs must be about the prime mover muscles that must contract to maintain the pose at a specific appendicular joint plus innervation for each muscle (specify which nerve innervates which muscle). The 8th paragraph should address scapular adduction.
Fingers/wrist (gross movements caused by forearm muscles – don’t include intrinsic hand muscles)
Distal & proximal radioulnar joints
Ankles (talocrural joint)
NOTE: You must use the information in Tortora Chapters 11 and 17 and the Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Infotables for this assignment. No outside sources!
You are required to do this by yourself, using Tortora information & the Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info Download Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Infotables, although you may ask me questions about the assignment.You may email me a preliminary version of the assignment for feedback.
The prime mover muscles that you must discuss in this essay for paragraphs 1-7 are all in Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle InfoDownload Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle InfoFor paragraphs 1-7, do not name muscles with actions at the joint if they are not listed as prime movers for the required action in Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle InfoDownload Prime Mover Skeletal Muscle Info
The information concerning scapular adduction (paragraph 8) may be found in Tortora.
Required File Naming Format: The filename must be as follows: lastname-first, where xxx is doc, docx, or pdf, depending on the file type you saved (e.g., for a student with the last name Adam Smith, in section #1000, an doc file would be smith-a-1000.doc).
Submit your document via the File Upload function (select “Drag a file here” or “Choose a file to upload”).

Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the

Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the

Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the “radiator theory”) with the case Elaine Morgan makes for an aquatic role in human evolution . Which do you think is most plausible, and why?
Your answer should be limited to 300 words (approx. 1 page).…

Hello, please write a 5 page essay MLA form (no double space) times new roman fo

Hello, please write a 5 page essay MLA form (no double space) times new roman fo

Hello, please write a 5 page essay MLA form (no double space) times new roman font size 12. Please write about the nervous system and how it correlates to parkinson’s disease. please also let them know the reason why I picked parkinson’s disease (I chose it because both of my grandfathers have parkinson’s disease.
Reports should include
Introduction as your first paragraph Main text (no more than 6 pages)
Conclusion as your last paragraph
Illustrations References: I am not going to accept reports without References. It is individual research
The students must use Microsoft word
The paper must have the following:
Title page Index page Body of the paper requirements: minimum 5 pages, single space, and font #12.
It has to include Explain why you chose the topic and its relationship with the material covered in this course – Concept: a short paragraph that summarizes the medical condition
– Causes: What are the causes of the medical condition?
– Symptoms and signs
Symptoms: What the patient refers to the Doctor
Signs: What the Doctor sees, measure or listen withinstruments and maneuvers
– Diagnosis: Tools used to arrive to the diagnosis (MRI, RX, Lab…)
– Treatments
– Prognosis
*Topics for the Research papers can be any of the subject matter mentioned in your reference book or related to the systems that we studied during the semester
Suggested Bibliography:

Part A This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should

Part A
This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should

Part A
This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long, depending upon the depth of the question. An answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient and will receive a poor grade. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.
Copy the following questions, add your answers, and submit them below in one attached document.
1. Describe the different levels of organization within the peripheral nervous system. Why do you think there are multiple motor divisions but only one sensory division? 2. Describe the difference in the function of hyperpolarization in action potentials vs. hyperpolarization in graded potentials. 3. Explain the difference between an electrical synapse and a chemical synapse. Which types of tissues will use electrical synapses? Which tissues use chemical synapses? 4. Discuss the primary functions of cerebrospinal fluid. How does the arrangement of the CSF network facilitate the spread of diseases such as meningitis throughout the nervous system?
5. Chapter 12 discusses the importance of sleep to healthy human physiology. Discuss the stages of sleep and what consequences may result from interrupting sleep in various stages.
NOTE: Your essay answers to these questions MUST be in your own words. Do not copy/paste any text into your answers unless you are including a properly cited brief direct quotation. I am looking for your own explanations—this is your opportunity to demonstrate what you know about these topics. The best approach will be to pretend you are explaining things to someone you are tutoring.
Part B
What are some common misconceptions about the brain? Post what you know about one or more of these topics, or conduct some basic research and share what you learn: the reptilian brain, left/right brains, brain death, etc. Why do you think these ideas are perpetuated if they are inaccurate?
Original Post – Present your outside source(s) and then summarize, in your own words, the misconception that you researched and why people still believe it. Be sure to cite your source and include a link or copy/paste (References) a direct quotation from the most relevant portion of the source to enable your classmates to view and evaluate the information.

Part A This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should

Part A
This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should

Part A
This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long, depending upon the depth of the question. An answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient and will receive a poor grade. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.
Copy the following questions, add your answers, and submit them below in one attached document.
1. Describe the different levels of organization within the peripheral nervous system. Why do you think there are multiple motor divisions but only one sensory division? 2. Describe the difference in the function of hyperpolarization in action potentials vs. hyperpolarization in graded potentials. 3. Explain the difference between an electrical synapse and a chemical synapse. Which types of tissues will use electrical synapses? Which tissues use chemical synapses? 4. Discuss the primary functions of cerebrospinal fluid. How does the arrangement of the CSF network facilitate the spread of diseases such as meningitis throughout the nervous system?
5. Chapter 12 discusses the importance of sleep to healthy human physiology. Discuss the stages of sleep and what consequences may result from interrupting sleep in various stages.
NOTE: Your essay answers to these questions MUST be in your own words. Do not copy/paste any text into your answers unless you are including a properly cited brief direct quotation. I am looking for your own explanations—this is your opportunity to demonstrate what you know about these topics. The best approach will be to pretend you are explaining things to someone you are tutoring.
Part B
What are some common misconceptions about the brain? Post what you know about one or more of these topics, or conduct some basic research and share what you learn: the reptilian brain, left/right brains, brain death, etc. Why do you think these ideas are perpetuated if they are inaccurate?
Original Post – Present your outside source(s) and then summarize, in your own words, the misconception that you researched and why people still believe it. Be sure to cite your source and include a link or copy/paste (References) a direct quotation from the most relevant portion of the source to enable your classmates to view and evaluate the information.

Part A This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should

Part A
This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should

Part A
This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long, depending upon the depth of the question. An answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient and will receive a poor grade. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.
Copy the following questions, add your answers, and submit them below in one attached document.
1. Describe the different levels of organization within the peripheral nervous system. Why do you think there are multiple motor divisions but only one sensory division? 2. Describe the difference in the function of hyperpolarization in action potentials vs. hyperpolarization in graded potentials. 3. Explain the difference between an electrical synapse and a chemical synapse. Which types of tissues will use electrical synapses? Which tissues use chemical synapses? 4. Discuss the primary functions of cerebrospinal fluid. How does the arrangement of the CSF network facilitate the spread of diseases such as meningitis throughout the nervous system?
5. Chapter 12 discusses the importance of sleep to healthy human physiology. Discuss the stages of sleep and what consequences may result from interrupting sleep in various stages.
NOTE: Your essay answers to these questions MUST be in your own words. Do not copy/paste any text into your answers unless you are including a properly cited brief direct quotation. I am looking for your own explanations—this is your opportunity to demonstrate what you know about these topics. The best approach will be to pretend you are explaining things to someone you are tutoring.
Part B
What are some common misconceptions about the brain? Post what you know about one or more of these topics, or conduct some basic research and share what you learn: the reptilian brain, left/right brains, brain death, etc. Why do you think these ideas are perpetuated if they are inaccurate?
Original Post – Present your outside source(s) and then summarize, in your own words, the misconception that you researched and why people still believe it. Be sure to cite your source and include a link or copy/paste (References) a direct quotation from the most relevant portion of the source to enable your classmates to view and evaluate the information.

Initial post: A nutrient is a substance in food that is used by the body to prom

Initial post:
A nutrient is a substance in food that is used by the body to prom

Initial post:
A nutrient is a substance in food that is used by the body to promote normal growth, maintenance, and repair. During metabolism, substances inside body cells are constantly built up or broken down. Let’s start this week’s discussion with the definition and comparison of glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and lipogenesis. Which is (are) likely to be occurring (1) shortly after a carbohydrate-rich meal and (2) just before waking up in the morning?
Use your own words. Use 2 scholarly sources. APA format. cited.
Reply post:
According to the text, “Glycogenesis is the synthesis of glycogen; glycogenolysis is its hydrolysis (breakdown to glucose); and gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrates, especially fats and proteins.” (Saladin, 2020 p. 641). It also says, “Synthesizing fats from other types of molecules is called lipogenesis,” (Saladin, 2020 p. 993). It could be known as triglyceride synthesis, as well. Now, glycogenesis is more likely to happen after eating a meal very rich in carbs, while gluconeogenesis is more likely to happen right before you wake up in the morning. NIH writes, “Lipogenesis encompasses the processes of fatty acid synthesis and subsequent triglyceride synthesis, and takes place in both liver and adipose tissue.” It’s also likely for lipogenesis to happen after eating a lot of carbs in one sitting. Use your own words. Use 1 scholarly source. APA format. cited.

Read the information, do some independent research, and answer the questions tha

Read the information, do some independent research, and answer the questions tha

Read the information, do some independent research, and answer the questions that follow:
Osteoporosis is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having a T-score less than -2.5. Some people have low bone density. You may hear this condition called osteopenia. Osteopenia is defined as 10% to 25% below peak adult bone mass, or a T-score between –1.0 and –2.5 standard deviations below normal. Having a T-score between -1.0 and -2.5 is not “pre-osteoporosis” but it is very important for people with low bone density to develop a good plan to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis.
Answer the following questions:
Why are hip and lumbar vertebrae regions used fo r assessment of bone density?
What are some health-related complications associated with osteoporosis?
Is a T-score of -2.2 considered normal, osteopenia, or osteoporosis?
Is a T-score of 0 considered normal, osteopenia, or osteoporosis?
Describe two preventative measures reducing chances of developing osteoporosis.

This week’s topic: Case Study Discussion Chapter 7 The Nervous System.pdf Case

This week’s topic: Case Study Discussion Chapter 7 The Nervous System.pdf

This week’s topic: Case Study Discussion Chapter 7 The Nervous System.pdf
Case Study Acute Seizures Discharge Summary. Chapter 7 Topic 7.1 The Nervous System. Read the Case Study Introduction, Read the Chapter and interact with the content, and then discuss the Case Questions:
1. What did the patient’s expressive dysphasia affect?
2. What were endarterectomy, cholecystectomy, and hysterectomy surgeries of?
3. What are the abbreviations CAD, CABG, and CHF are all abbreviations related to?
Each post must be min 100 words or more

This week’s topic: Case Study Discussion Chapter 7 The Nervous System.pdf Case

This week’s topic: Case Study Discussion Chapter 7 The Nervous System.pdf

This week’s topic: Case Study Discussion Chapter 7 The Nervous System.pdf
Case Study Acute Seizures Discharge Summary. Chapter 7 Topic 7.1 The Nervous System. Read the Case Study Introduction, Read the Chapter and interact with the content, and then discuss the Case Questions:
1. What did the patient’s expressive dysphasia affect?
2. What were endarterectomy, cholecystectomy, and hysterectomy surgeries of?
3. What are the abbreviations CAD, CABG, and CHF are all abbreviations related to?
Each post must be min 100 words or more