For this homework assignment, you will build the first phase of a multi-page, da

For this homework assignment, you will build the first phase of a multi-page, da

For this homework assignment, you will build the first phase of a multi-page, data-driven Contact Manager app. The final product will allow an end-user to see a list of their contacts and be able to add new contacts, edit contact information, and delete contacts. For this first phase, you will complete the database, Home Controller, and Home Page (Index view). You will query the data using LINQ before displaying it in a view. Reference Chapter 4. You may use the starter application files provided below to begin this assignment. HW 4-1a Contact Manager

How would you design and develop a comprehensive delivery app using Java, includ

How would you design and develop a comprehensive delivery app using Java, includ

How would you design and develop a comprehensive delivery app using Java, including features such as user authentication, order management, real-time tracking, payment processing, and delivery scheduling, ensuring scalability, efficiency, and security in the codebase? Provide a detailed walkthrough of your implementation, including the use of relevant Java libraries and frameworks, and discuss the design decisions made to achieve a robust and user-friendly delivery experience.

In this practice exercise, you will be guided through the development of the Mov

In this practice exercise, you will be guided through the development of the Mov

In this practice exercise, you will be guided through the development of the Movie List app that is presented in Chapter 4 of your textbook. You will generate a database from entity classes and use Entity Framework to create your SQL Server Database. Upon completing this exercise, you should be able develop apps that use multiple pages to work with a database. Follow along with the instruction sheet and Panopto videos provided for the Movie List Part A Practice Tutorial. The videos will guide you step-by-step through developing multiple pages, creating a database, and using LINQ to query data in the database. Files needed:
Practice 4-1 Part A (instruction sheet only)
Practice Tutorial 4-1A MovieListPartA.html (links to instruction sheet and videos with zip file)
Starting Web Application Files
You may create a new application or download and extract the following web application files to your computer before you begin Practice 4-1a.
Written Instructions
Click on the following link to access the written instruction sheet for Practice 4-1a; follow along with these instructions as you complete the Series of Videos. You may want to print these instructions for easy reference.
Practice 4-1 Part A Move List Instructions
Video Instructions for Completing Practice 4-1A Movie List Application
01 Practice 4-1A Creating a data-driven web application, an overview of the Movie List app (4min 42sec)
02 Practice 4-1A Install EF Core SqlServer and EF Core Tools NuGet Packages (10min 11sec)
03 Practice 4-1A Create the Genre model class (2min 23sec) 04 Practice 4-1A Create the Movie model class (15min 34sec)
05 Practice 4-1A Create the MovieContext (DbContext) class (6min 7 sec)
06 Practice 4-1A Seed initial data for the Genre and Movie tables (10min 4sec)
07 Practice 4-1A Add a connection string (7min 21sec)
*Note for video 07 Practice 4-1A Add a connection string: It is very important that the connection string is correct. Double-check that you have the following specified for your connection string in the appsettings.json file:

“AllowedHosts”: “*”,
“ConnectionStrings”: {
“MovieContext”: “Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=Movies;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;”
}08 Practice 4-1A Enable dependency injection (6min 35sec)
09 Practice 4-1A Create the Movies database (4min 58sec) 10 Practice 4-1A Run database migrations in Program.cs (7min 26sec)
11 Practice 4-1A Select data using LINQ with EF Core and include logging setting in appsettings.json (11min 20sec) *Note for video 11 Practice 4-1A: Add the following line of code “Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command”: “Debug” after the “Microsoft.AspNetCore”: “Warning” line of code in the appsettings.json file instead of after the “Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime”: “information” line of code as indicated in the video. See the code below for reference:
“Logging”: {
“LogLevel”: {
“Default”: “Information”,
“Microsoft.AspNetCore”: “Warning”,
“Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command”: “Debug”
},12 Practice 4-1A Modify Home Controller to Select a list of movies from the database (7min 20sec)
13 Practice 4-1A Modify Index view to display movies, modify controller to include genre, and modify _ViewImports (19min 55 sec) 14 Practice 4-1A Work with additional Linq queries (5min 55sec)

This assignment has two parts #1In this practice exercise, you will make the Fut

This assignment has two parts
#1In this practice exercise, you will make the Fut

This assignment has two parts
#1In this practice exercise, you will make the Future Value application (created in Practice 2-1) responsive and improve the application’s design. You will review the Bootstrap files and classes that are used to make the application responsive and modify some of the classes to see how those changes affect the app. Then, you will use Bootstrap classes, CSS, and Font Awesome to improve the appearance of your app. Follow along with the instruction sheet and Panopto videos provided for the Style the Future Value Practice Tutorial. The videos will guide you step-by-step through developing your own web application using ASP.NET Core MVC. YOU MAY USE THE STARTER APPLICATION FILES PROVIDED IN D2L TO BEGIN THIS ASSIGNMENT:
Practice 3-1 Future Value (instruction sheet only)
Practice 3-1 FutureValueCSS.html (links to instruction sheet and videos with zip file)
Starting Web Application Files
Download and extract the following web application files to your computer before you begin Practice 3-1.
Written Instructions
Click on the following link to access the written instruction sheet for Practice 3-1; follow along with these instructions as you complete the Series of Videos. You may want to print these instructions for easy reference.
Practice 3-1 Future Value Instructions
Video Instructions for Completing Practice 3-1 Future Value
01 Practice 3-1 Add and manage client-side libraries using LibMan (20min)
02 Practice 3-1 Enable client-side libraries in _Layout and link to the libraries using a CDN (13min 10sec)
03 Practice 3-1 Modify Bootstrap classes for the Ch03FutureValue Index page (22min 27sec)
04 Practice 3-1 Modify Bootstrap classes for the Ch03FutureValue _Layout (5min 53sec)
05 Practice 3-1 Experiment with more Bootstrap classes, CSS, and Font Awesome (19min 3sec) #2 For this homework assignment, you will make the Price Quotation application (created in Homework 2-1) responsive and improve the application’s design. You will use Bootstrap classes, CSS, and Font Awesome. Although we installed client-side libraries in Practice 3-1 Future value, you will not need to install the client-side libraries for this homework assignment. Reference Chapter 3 as well as the Practice 3-1 exercise as needed. The topics covered in Practice 3-1 are applied in this homework assignment. You may use the starter application files provided in D2L to begin this assignment:
HW 3-1 Price Quotation