Summarize and critique  and identify/critique any areas where the author did no

Summarize and critique  and identify/critique any areas where the author did no

Summarize and critique  and identify/critique any areas where the author did not follow quality research processes, along with providing a suggestion on how the author could have improved the study on
Data Collection/Generation Methods
Data Credibility
Data Analysis
must contain at least two citations with corresponding references. no later than 2019
half of page 
apa format
see article attached

   20 points possible 5 points: Correct heading in the format below 5 points: C

20 points possible
5 points: Correct heading in the format below
5 points: C

20 points possible
5 points: Correct heading in the format below
5 points: Correct font, spacing and margins; spelling/grammar
5 points: At least 1/2 page summary (just the facts) of the experience focused on health, safety, fitness and/or nutrition of children and families
5 points: At least 1/2 page reflection (your thoughts, what you learned) of the experience focused on health, safety, fitness and/or nutrition of children and families 
From the Field Experience Handbook:
Format for Heading on Summary/Reflection pages (this takes up no more than two lines) 
Your Name -Julia Johnson                        Date of event or observation 04-12-2024
School/Grade/Teacher – Western Hills Primary School/Pre-K           Time in and out 8am-1pm
Please use 11 font, 1.5 spacing and 1 inch margins.  The summary and reflections are expected be 1-2 pages.  Points will be taken off for incomplete summaries and reflections, spelling and grammar errors and incorrect format and/or headings

Identify the research question(s) for this study. The researcher’s question i

Identify the research question(s) for this study.
The researcher’s question i

Identify the research question(s) for this study.
The researcher’s question is “what is the quality of daily life during active cancer treatment?” The question dives further into the quality of life of these patients during cancer treatment by asking what affected their quality of life either during the treatment or in their daily life. The researcher mentions there is other research which involves a quantitative approach to answer the question however the researcher in this article wants to take an interest in their daily lives and to focus directly on their views (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Provide a critique of the sample and setting in the study.
The researcher used purposive sampling to get a wide range of different cancer patients. Out of the 30 participants the sample included patients with different sites, types, and stages of cancer, and also included different ages of participants with varying lengths of treatment. To be in the study participants needed to meet the inclusion criteria which consisted of age older than 18, treatment that started at least six months prior to study, and able to communicate in French. The exclusion criteria consisted of under the age of 18 and treatment under 6 months or in the terminal phase of cancer. The study was done in oncology departments at three university hospitals, two in Paris, and one in northern France where they interviewed each participant. 
The sampling selected patients that was beneficial to the study and of different variations of patients to maximize the results. The researcher also mentions they selected patients that were not in the norm to challenge the study to, the patients that might invalidate what was previously found in other studies. Overall, the sampling was done well and included a variation of patients that lead to saturation of data towards the end of the study. 
Discuss the findings and their interpretations.
The findings of this study were split into two categories, what negatively affected their quality of daily life during the treatment period, and what positively affected their quality of daily life during treatment. The negatives of the treatment were mainly based on side effects of the treatment and the positives were mainly use of support object or activity (Sibeoni et al., 2018). The conclusion of the study is based on the fact that patients need to take part in their care and find that support object or activity to help them through the process of treatment. The fact that the only negative during treatment was the side effects of the medications or chemotherapy allows the patient an opportunity to take part in their care and focus on the object or activity they can use for support (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Sibeoni, J., Picard, C., Orri, M. et al. Patients’ quality of life during active cancer treatment: a qualitative study. BMC Cancer 18, 951 (2018).
Tappen, R. M. (2023). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Identify the research question for this study. What affects a patient’s daily

Identify the research question for this study.
What affects a patient’s daily

Identify the research question for this study.
What affects a patient’s daily life undergoing chemotherapy treatment?
Provide a critique of the sample and setting in the study.
The sampling was purposive, data was collected from 30 patients whom all agreed to be interviewed.  Interviews were semi-structured.  Purposive sampling emphasizes the deliberate selection of individuals, groups, organizations, or communities to study.  In a sense, this means that qualitative samples are deliberately biased, but in a conscious, thoughtful manner, Tappen, 2016.

Discuss the evidence provided related to the trustworthiness of the study. 
The study question was, what affects a patient’s daily life undergoing chemotherapy treatment?  Study focused on two themes: what negatively affected their daily life and what positively affected their daily life.  Study results did not focus on the original question.  The study concluded with, “Patients must be involved in their care if they are to be able to bear their course of treatment and find ways to endure the difficult experience of cancer care.”  A harsh conclusion to a study that should have given insight on how we as practitioners can better serve patients undergoing chemotherapy by understanding what affects their daily lives the most. 
Tappen, R. (2016). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. (2nd ed.) Salisbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning
PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS POST providing suggestions and/or additional insights.  1 REFERENCE 

Week 5COLLAPSE Identify the research question(s) for this study. The objective

Identify the research question(s) for this study.
The objective

Identify the research question(s) for this study.
The objective of this study according to the authors Sibeoni et al. (2018), is to examine the factors that influence the quality of life for cancer patients during their active treatment. The study has a specific goal of understanding the positive and negative factors that affect the daily lives of patients during treatment. It focuses on the adverse effects of the treatment and the utilization of supportive objects, the evaluation of the effects of the cancer treatment, and the positive impacts of relationships. 
Provide a critique of the research design.
  The research design of the study is highly organized and thorough. The study used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research paradigm, which is optimal for studying experiences of patients undergoing cancer therapy. The study utilized a purposive sampling technique with maximum variety, which is ideal for obtaining a wide range of experiences and views concerning cancer treatment. The study’s  recruitment approach entailed working closely with clinicians to locate eligible participants, so guaranteeing an array of patient experiences. The inclusion of experienced qualitative researchers, such as a psychologist and two psychiatrists, enhances the legitimacy of the data collection process  (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Thematic analysis was used to locate, examine, and document  patterns within the data, which is a suitable methodology for extracting significant observations from qualitative data and improves the accuracy and trustworthiness of the findings.The study also addressed ethical considerations by making sure everybody who participated gave written informed consent. The study committee held numerous conferences to discuss the results displaying a dedication to honesty and accuracy in their analysis.Nevertheless, the study acknowledges certain limitations, such as the potential impact of the healthcare system and the cultural environment of France on the results  (Sibeoni et al., 2018).   
Discuss the implications for practice and research. 
  The outcomes of this study have substantial implications for both practice and research. The study emphasizes the significance of engaging patients in their own care to assist them in enduring the challenging ordeal of cancer treatment. In specific the study focuses on  a “support object” or activity, which helps providers provide patients to cope with the challenges of their illness and treatment. This implies that healthcare personnel such as nurses must demonstrate interest in the support objects and activities of their patients,  and find a common interest and enhance the client-nurse relationship by building a  rapport. Moreover, the study highlights the significance of the patient’s own judgment of the effectiveness of the treatment on their condition. Therefore, nurses should take into account the patient’s view of the treatment effectiveness and integrate it into their care. The study’s findings have significant implications for both clinical practice and research in the field of oncology. They emphasize the importance of adopting a patient-centered approach to care that considers the  experiences and needs of cancer patients  (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Sibeoni, J., Picard, C., Orri, M. et al. Patients’ quality of life during active cancer treatment: a qualitative study. BMC Cancer 18, 951 (2018).
PLEASE RESPOND providing suggestions and/or additional insights.  

For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons for Referra

For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons for Referra

For this assignment, you will finalize the FBA by adding the Reasons for Referral, a brief overview and purpose of conducting a FBA, and a summary of the investigations taken in the FBA. Your final assignment should include all the components of the previous assignments, with any corrections or changes made based on prior instructor feedback. You should address compassion considerations in each section. Refer to the Capella Compassion Code [DOCX] for more information.
Functional Behavior Assessment Structure and Content
In your functional assessment report, include the following components:
Reason for Referral
Purpose for conducting an FBA.
Target behaviors and rationale for selecting them.
Indirect Assessment
Describe at least one method to conduct the indirect assessment.
Summarize the information gathered.
Descriptive Assessment
Provide the operational definitions.
Identify the measurement procedures for each target behavior.
Provide and interpret visual display of the baseline data.
Summarize the ABC data.
Analyze the ABC data.
Provide and interpret visual display of the ABC data.
Provide hypothesized statements about the functions or environmental variables influencing problem behaviors.
Experimental Analysis
Select the experimental analysis and provide rationale for why it was chosen.
Describe the conditions in the selected experimental analysis.
Provide visual display of hypothetical data.
Interpret results of the experimental analysis.
Confirmed the function(s) influencing problem behaviors. If the IISCA is selected, confirm the synthesized contingencies influencing problem behaviors.
Summary and Conclusion
Briefly summarize the different levels of investigation included in the FBA.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for more information on how to cite your sources.
Resources: 1–2 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 7–10 double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Refer to the MS in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site. for help finding resources.
Refer to the Finalizing the Functional Behavior Assessment rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Reflect back on the topic you chose for your advocacy project during week 1. Usi

Reflect back on the topic you chose for your advocacy project during week 1. Usi

Reflect back on the topic you chose for your advocacy project during week 1. Using the information and templates from the  Advocacy Toolkit: Promoting Quality Early Childhood Education  and Early Childhood Advocacy ToolkitLinks to an external site. create an outline for your Final Advocacy Project.
My topic-  
Increased access to high-quality early childhood education for all children
Type of Advocacy: Explain which category your advocacy project will fall under.
Choose your Audience: Describe who your audience will be and how their participation can contribute to the change you are trying to make.
State the Problem: What is the problem? Who is affected by the issue? Why does the issue need to be addressed at this time? Where is the problem greatest? When is intervention needed before there are negative consequences? How are children, families, and the community being affected? What local data can you provide to emphasize how the problem is affecting the community?
Potential Solutions: List three potential solutions that will support your cause.
Call to Action: Briefly describe how you are asking the audience to get involved.
Assignment Requirements
Organize your paper in the same order outlined in the instructions.
Follow APA formatting requirements, and cite resources correctly
Your paper should be double-spaced, 12-pt font, and 2-3 pages in length not including the title and reference page.

Reflect back on the topic you chose for your advocacy project during week 1. Usi

Reflect back on the topic you chose for your advocacy project during week 1. Usi

Reflect back on the topic you chose for your advocacy project during week 1. Using the information and templates from the  Advocacy Toolkit: Promoting Quality Early Childhood Education  and Early Childhood Advocacy ToolkitLinks to an external site. create an outline for your Final Advocacy Project.
My topic-  
Increased access to high-quality early childhood education for all children
Type of Advocacy: Explain which category your advocacy project will fall under.
Choose your Audience: Describe who your audience will be and how their participation can contribute to the change you are trying to make.
State the Problem: What is the problem? Who is affected by the issue? Why does the issue need to be addressed at this time? Where is the problem greatest? When is intervention needed before there are negative consequences? How are children, families, and the community being affected? What local data can you provide to emphasize how the problem is affecting the community?
Potential Solutions: List three potential solutions that will support your cause.
Call to Action: Briefly describe how you are asking the audience to get involved.
Assignment Requirements
Organize your paper in the same order outlined in the instructions.
Follow APA formatting requirements, and cite resources correctly
Your paper should be double-spaced, 12-pt font, and 2-3 pages in length not including the title and reference page.

Share a time when you received feedback from a supervisor. Describe the method t

Share a time when you received feedback from a supervisor. Describe the method t

Share a time when you received feedback from a supervisor. Describe the method that your supervisor used to give you feedback and share with your peers how the experience made you feel (the emotional impact of the experience). What data were your supervisor using as the basis for the feedback provided to you. Do you think those were the correct data to support their feedback?
( Reference article attached)