Review the “Should I Live, Should I Die? Understanding Borderline Personality Di

Review the “Should I Live, Should I Die? Understanding Borderline Personality Di

Review the “Should I Live, Should I Die? Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder” video, located in the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings.
900 word reflection on the individual’s behavior in the case study. Include the following:
Describe the behaviors the individual is exhibiting that relate to borderline personality disorder.
Identify aspects of the individual’s life that may have contributed to the development of this disorder.
Describes possible treatments for this individual.
Identify special considerations for managing an inmate with this diagnosis in the correctional setting.
Include a minimum of two sources.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. (title page, reference page, citations)

   For each medication listed, complete the following: Provide FDA

For each medication listed, complete the following:

Provide FDA

For each medication listed, complete the following:

Provide FDA Indication (include stages), neurotransmitters Affected/Mechanism of Action, and Target Symptoms.
Include formulation (Short-acting, intermediate-acting, or long-acting), duration of action,  half-life, and CYP 450 enzyme information.
List notable side effects and precautions.
Include Patient Education Instructions.

please make sure Font is consistent throughout table, and grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate.
A total of 4 references needed with intext citation. 2 references provided below. Please use 7th edition APA scholarly references that are witin 5 years.
Stahl, S.M. (2020). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Prescribers guide (7th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Stahl, S. M. (2021). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

  Create a 500- to 750-word digital brochure to educate patients on their privac

Create a 500- to 750-word digital brochure to educate patients on their privac

Create a 500- to 750-word digital brochure to educate patients on their privacy rights and ethical issues. Your audience for this educational brochure will be a patient from your own chosen field of study. Address the following in your brochure:
Explain patient rights relative to privacy and professional ethics.
Describe the four elements that form the patient/health care provider relationship: trust, knowledge, regard, and loyalty.
Identify how health care delivery has changed with the COVID-19 pandemic for both health care professionals and patients.
Discuss the pervasiveness of patient abuse and identify its signs.

  Create a 500- to 750-word digital brochure to educate patients on their privac

Create a 500- to 750-word digital brochure to educate patients on their privac

Create a 500- to 750-word digital brochure to educate patients on their privacy rights and ethical issues. Your audience for this educational brochure will be a patient from your own chosen field of study. Address the following in your brochure:
Explain patient rights relative to privacy and professional ethics.
Describe the four elements that form the patient/health care provider relationship: trust, knowledge, regard, and loyalty.
Identify how health care delivery has changed with the COVID-19 pandemic for both health care professionals and patients.
Discuss the pervasiveness of patient abuse and identify its signs.

  The Rockport walking test is the easiest way for you to determine your cardio

The Rockport walking test is the easiest way for you to determine your cardio

The Rockport walking test is the easiest way for you to determine your cardio fitness level. All you need is a stopwatch and a flat surface that is one mile long.  The Rockport walking test is an evaluation you can self-administer to determine your cardiovascular fitness.1
The aim of the test is to measure your VO2 maxLinks to an external site., the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize during intense exercise, measured in milliliters per kilograms per minute (ml/kg/min).  The Rockport walking test was developed in 1986 by physiologists and cardiologists at the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst
The 12-minute run fitness test was developed by Kenneth Cooper, M.D., in 1968 as an easy way to measure aerobic fitness and provide an estimate of VO2 maxLinks to an external site. for military personnel. The Cooper test, as it’s also known, is still used today as a field test for determining aerobic fitness.  Dr. Cooper found that there is a very high correlation between the distance someone can run (or walk) in 12 minutes and their VO2 max value, which measures the efficiency with which someone can use oxygen while exercising.
This test is still one of the basic fitness tests used by the militaryLinks to an external site..  It is also used by many coaches and trainers to determine cardiovascular fitnessLinks to an external site. and track fitness over time. This simple test also allows you to compare your cardiovascular endurance with others of your age and gender.
The goal this week is to compare your results from when you completed this assessment near the beginning of the quarter.  
Step One
Determine which test you are going to complete:  Rockport 1-mile walk test for time or the Cooper Test (12′ run for distance).  
Step Two 
Directions for the Rockport Walking Test
Warm Up.Links to an external site. Perform a short warm-up of 10 to 15 minutes of low to moderately strenuous activity before performing any fitness testing.
Walk as quickly as possible for one mile. It’s important to maintain a steady pace for best results.
Take your pulse immediately after completing the mile. (If you don’t take your pulse often, practice before you take the Rockport walking test. With your palm facing up, place your fingers gently over the thumb side of your wrist and feel for your pulse.)
Once you have your pulse, count for 10 seconds. Multiply this number by 6.
Record your results and enter in the calculator provided here:  LinkLinks to an external site.
Develop a goal to improve your Cardiorespiratory endurance.  Note:  This can simply be that you will follow the Suggested Program (scroll to the bottom of your results page; these programs are indicated by their color; for example “I will be following the Purple Program.”
Directions for the Cooper Test (12′ run for distance): 
The Cooper 12-minute run test requires the person being tested to run or walk as far as possible in a 12 minute period. The objective of the test is to measure the maximum distance covered by the individual during the 12-minute period and is usually carried out on a running trackLinks to an external site. by placing cones at various distances to enable measuring of the distance. A stopwatch is required for ensuring that the individual runs for the correct amount of time.
You’ll need a timer to know when 12 minutes are up. Note that some running watches and fitness monitors have a 12-minute fitness test mode.
This test is designed to be conducted on a track with clearly marked distance. You can perform the test on a treadmill, but be sure to raise the incline to one degree to simulate outdoor running.
Warm Up.Links to an external site. Perform a short warm-up of 10 to 15 minutes of low to moderately strenuous activity before performing any fitness testing.
Run or Walk. When you are warmed up, get going. Run or walk as far as you can in 12 minutes.
Record Your Distance. Record the total number of miles or kilometers you traveled in 12 minutes.
Enter your results in the calculator provided here: LinkLinks to an external site. Note this is a different calculator from the Rockport Walk Test. 
Here is a chart of normative results for this test: 
Above Average
Below Average
Male 20-29
over 2800 meters
2400-2800 meters
2200-2399 meters
1600-2199 meters
under 1600 meters
Females 20-29
over 2700 meters
2200-2700 meters
1800-2199 meters
1500-1799 meters
under 1500 meters
Males 30-39
over 2700 meters
2300-2700 meters
1900-2299 meters
1500-1999 meters
under 1500 meters
Females 30-39
over 2500 meters
2000-2500 meters
1700-1999 meters
1400-1699 meters
under 1400 meters
Males 40-49
over 2500 meters
2100-2500 meters
1700-2099 meters
1400-1699 meters
under 1400 meters
Females 40-49
over 2300 meters
1900-2300 meters
1500-1899 meters
1200-1499 meters
under 1200 meters
Males 50
over 2400 meters
2000-2400 meters
1600-1999 meters
1300-1599 meters
under 1300 meters
Females 50
over 2200 meters
1700-2200 meters
1400-1699 meters
1100-1399 meters
under 1100 meters
Step Three
Directions:  Reflect back on your results from your initial assessment and this assessment.  Did you improve?  If so, please summarize your training methodology.   Did you do long slow distance and increase your distance weekly?  Did you do pace/tempo training?  Did you do interval training?  How often did you walk weekly?  Were you training in your heart rate zone each week?  How accurately were you recording your heart rate?  Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and organs to consume, transport and utilize oxygen.  There are numerous factors related to improved cardiovascular fitness including how much you weigh, how much you train (volume) and the intensity at which you train.  Although doing “more” can lead to improvements it is not believed to always lead to a higher VO2Max so managing your rest and also limiting how much high-intensity training you do weekly is important.  If you didn’t improve do not be discouraged as there are other areas of health/wellness I am sure you are seeing progress with.  Lastly, please remember these physiological adaptations the body undergoes when you begin an exercise program take time so keep doing what you are doing to get the maximum benefit for the rest of your lifetime! 
This reflections should be 3-5 sentences minimum and you must include a direct comparison of your pre and post assessment results.

  On Happiness Arthur Brooks writes about happiness vs. happy feelings and says,

On Happiness
Arthur Brooks writes about happiness vs. happy feelings and says,

On Happiness
Arthur Brooks writes about happiness vs. happy feelings and says,  “they are not the same thing; feelings are not happiness; feelings are evidence of happiness; a part of the brain (limbic system) creates emotion if you mistake these feelings for happiness you will be chasing these feelings all over the place.”  This is very hard to differentiate but important to understand as he goes on to explain.
Does Unhappiness=the lack of happiness?  True or False?  Dr. Brooks reminds us that, “You can actually have happy and unhappy feelings in parallel and this is normal. The average person does have negative emotions and it’s important we all accept this.”  However, these are the emotions you do need to pay attention to. (sadness-what you feel as mental pain; social exclusion or separation from loved one) (anger, fear:  both deal with threat and this causes stress hormones) and (disgust-maybe smelling something is spoiled); grief is unremediated sadness (death, divorce); studies have looked at all of this in neuroscience. We can often feel all of this in physical pain and this varies a lot for individuals. We all feel these feelings and the variation is in intensity and frequency. Metacognition is the process of experiencing these emotions and assemble these emotions so you can grow and move through these and what is your response to these “feelings.”    This week I have asked you to consider some major stressors in your life (or your feelings), how they affect you and strategies to work on them. 
Please if you have time, to add some reading or listening, check out the below recommendations.    
I highly recommend his book:  Build the Life You Want along with the Workbook for Building the Life you Want which can be purchased on Amazon 
I have also read Jay Shetty recently and he highly recommends meditation of three variations:  breathwork, visualization, and sound.  Breathwork has physical and psychological benefits to find more stillness, balance and calmness for yourself.  Visualization will help you heal your past and envision your future and Chanting is a benefit used to connect with your deepest self.    
From Jay’s book he shared the below most common regrets dying people express:
I wish I had expressed my love to the people I care about.
I wish I hadn’t worked so much.
I wish I’d taken more pleasure in life.
I wish I’d done more for other people.
He states, “We don’t want to arrive at the end of our days knowing we haven’t lived a purposeful, service-based, meaningful life.” 
Step Four:  Assignment Detail  
Prompt: Everyone deals with a certain level of stress throughout their lives and those levels can change depending on internal and external factors. In your own words, express how life stressors and your personality have the potential to affect you in your daily life.  
List in order of priority, three (3) behaviors that you would like to change to decrease your vulnerability to stress. I hope exercise can be part of your stress management strategy and if it is, please share something you learned from the article.
Briefly describe how you intend to accomplish these (3) things. (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)

  On Happiness Arthur Brooks writes about happiness vs. happy feelings and says,

On Happiness
Arthur Brooks writes about happiness vs. happy feelings and says,

On Happiness
Arthur Brooks writes about happiness vs. happy feelings and says,  “they are not the same thing; feelings are not happiness; feelings are evidence of happiness; a part of the brain (limbic system) creates emotion if you mistake these feelings for happiness you will be chasing these feelings all over the place.”  This is very hard to differentiate but important to understand as he goes on to explain.
Does Unhappiness=the lack of happiness?  True or False?  Dr. Brooks reminds us that, “You can actually have happy and unhappy feelings in parallel and this is normal. The average person does have negative emotions and it’s important we all accept this.”  However, these are the emotions you do need to pay attention to. (sadness-what you feel as mental pain; social exclusion or separation from loved one) (anger, fear:  both deal with threat and this causes stress hormones) and (disgust-maybe smelling something is spoiled); grief is unremediated sadness (death, divorce); studies have looked at all of this in neuroscience. We can often feel all of this in physical pain and this varies a lot for individuals. We all feel these feelings and the variation is in intensity and frequency. Metacognition is the process of experiencing these emotions and assemble these emotions so you can grow and move through these and what is your response to these “feelings.”    This week I have asked you to consider some major stressors in your life (or your feelings), how they affect you and strategies to work on them. 
Please if you have time, to add some reading or listening, check out the below recommendations.    
I highly recommend his book:  Build the Life You Want along with the Workbook for Building the Life you Want which can be purchased on Amazon 
I have also read Jay Shetty recently and he highly recommends meditation of three variations:  breathwork, visualization, and sound.  Breathwork has physical and psychological benefits to find more stillness, balance and calmness for yourself.  Visualization will help you heal your past and envision your future and Chanting is a benefit used to connect with your deepest self.    
From Jay’s book he shared the below most common regrets dying people express:
I wish I had expressed my love to the people I care about.
I wish I hadn’t worked so much.
I wish I’d taken more pleasure in life.
I wish I’d done more for other people.
He states, “We don’t want to arrive at the end of our days knowing we haven’t lived a purposeful, service-based, meaningful life.” 
Step Four:  Assignment Detail  
Prompt: Everyone deals with a certain level of stress throughout their lives and those levels can change depending on internal and external factors. In your own words, express how life stressors and your personality have the potential to affect you in your daily life.  
List in order of priority, three (3) behaviors that you would like to change to decrease your vulnerability to stress. I hope exercise can be part of your stress management strategy and if it is, please share something you learned from the article.
Briefly describe how you intend to accomplish these (3) things. (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)

Before taking on an assignment, you will review the content and only use the ref

Before taking on an assignment, you will review the content and only use the ref

Before taking on an assignment, you will review the content and only use the references and resources provided in the attachments: no plagiarism and original work are to be done. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ALLOWED!!
Your specific assignment for this module is to select a health care organization for your project and have it approved by your professor. You may consider any health care organization as long as you have enough access to the organization and/or level of understanding of that organization necessary to complete the assignment.
Note: You will not be asked to reveal any proprietary or confidential information in your reports. In addition, there are several health care organizations that do a fantastic job of publicly disclosing their health information infrastructure in an online format, such as the John Hopkins Hospital. If you do not have direct access to a health care organization, you can use one of the health care organizations that provides its health information infrastructure online.
Accordingly, your selected health care organization can be:
·  The organization for which you work.
·  A health care organization for which a friend or relative works. You must be able to access information concerning this organization that is relevant to your SLP assignments.
·  A local health care organization that is willing to share insight about how it manages health information.
·  Any health care organization that makes public its approach to health information management, operations, and organizational structure.
Provide a 7- to 10-slide (not including title slide and reference slides) PowerPoint presentation on the health care organization you have selected. Provide a brief overview of the health care organization. Next, discuss the types of health care information systems the organization uses (i.e., EHR, clinical decision support, patient portals, etc.). Finally, close with describing how these systems impact patient outcomes, quality, and/or safety.
SLP Assignment Expectations
1.  Submit a 7- to 10-slide (not including title slide and reference slides) PowerPoint presentation on the health care organization you have selected.
2.  Slides should discuss: overview of the health care organization; types of health care information system the organization uses; and how these systems impact patient outcomes, quality, and/or safety.
3.  Provide speaker notes to support your slides.
4.  Provide references from at least 3 scholarly articles (peer-reviewed). Do not include information from non-scholarly materials such as wikis, encyclopedias, or (or similar websites). Use this link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals.
5.  For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: 
Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. 
6.  Your response should incorporate the outcomes of the module with the requirements of this assignment and will be graded according to the rubric.
7.  Be sure that you do not cut and paste material into your slides, but use proper quotations where needed, and also citations for all reference materials. The same expectations apply to PowerPoint presentations as to documents.
2). Brenner, S. K., Kaushal, R., Grinspan, Z., Joyce, C., Kim, I., Allard, R.J., Delgado, D., & Abramson, E.L. (2016). Effects of health information technology on patient outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(5)1016–1036.
3). Kruse, C. S., & Beane, A. (2018). Health Information Technology Continues to Show Positive Effect on Medical Outcomes: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(2).

  Directions Create an academic success plan by addressing the criteria below in

Create an academic success plan by addressing the criteria below in

Create an academic success plan by addressing the criteria below in the provided template. The template is linked below in the What to Submit section; it has specific locations for you to respond to each of the steps listed here. Read these directions and the rubric criteria, check to make sure you know where to respond in the template, and reach out to your instructor before you begin if you have any questions.
Note: The quality of your responses will be more valuable than the number of examples you provide.
In this section, you’ll identify potential scheduling interruptions, prioritize your tasks, and then identify social supports and motivational factors. You’ll also explain how to take ownership of your academic success.
Identify a problem-solving technique or method you have used in a previous situation and explain how it helped you. How might problem-solving methods be different in diverse cultures or fields of work? How can effective problem solving help you in your academic journey?
Explain how problem-solving methods might be different in diverse cultures or fields of work.
Explain how effective problem solving can help you in your academic journey.
Identify your learning style and explain how knowing/learning about your learning style helped support your success throughout this course..
Identify the way you feel you learn best academically.
Be sure to provide examples of a time you felt that learning in your preferred learning style helped you succeed.
Identify which of the five successful habits of an SNHU student have been most helpful for you throughout this course.
Explain how these habits have helped you.
Explain how you will stay on track in your courses and overcome interruptions that may impact your schedule.
Consider why your choices are the most effective for your unique time-prioritization needs.
Choose two SNHU resources and two social supports that will help the most with achieving your mission and goals, and that will help you prioritize your time.
Indicate why these resources and social supports are key for your success.
Consider how you can use these time support resources in future classes.
List your academic personal mission statement.
a. You may incorporate instructor feedback from your Module Four journal submission.
List your THREE short-term academic goals.
You may incorporate instructor feedback from your Module Four journal submission.
Describe the importance of setting goals on your academic journey.
How will goal setting assist you in accomplishing what you want in future classes?
Explain how you are going to stay motivated to achieve your goals and mission statement, based on what you have learned in SNHU 107.
What motivates you to pursue your personal mission statement and goals?
Explain why an awareness of diversity is beneficial to giving and receiving feedback when collaborating with others.
Consider your own personal experiences dealing with diversity awareness when collaborating with others.
Explain why it is important to take ownership, be vulnerable, ask for help, and have an open mind to achieve your goals.
Consider your own personal experience on how taking ownership, being vulnerable, asking for help, and having an open mind have helped you.
Explain what your biggest takeaway was from this course.
How will using the resources you’ve explored in this course help you in your future success?
Consider how you can use these resources in future classes.
The Five Successful habits of an SNHU student are:
1. Strive to submit all assignments.
2. Log in early
3. Engage often.
4. Use the rubric.
5. Reach out for help.

  Overview Embracing feedback will be an important part of your academic and pro

Embracing feedback will be an important part of your academic and pro

Embracing feedback will be an important part of your academic and professional career. When you get feedback on a writing assignment, you are often expected to take the feedback and revise your original work based on it.
Review the resources in Module Six to understand the importance of feedback inside and outside of the classroom. Then, you will reflect on your personal experience regarding giving and receiving feedback. This assignment is about learning how to understand the importance of feedback and how diversity awareness can impact our perception and reception of feedback.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Describe why receiving feedback from others is important.
Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback.
Describe how you can use past feedback to inform how you give and receive feedback now.
Describe the impact that diversity awareness has on giving and receiving feedback when communicating and collaborating with others.
Describe how you can use strategies for interacting with diverse groups of people as you give and receive feedback.