Step One: Locate an article in a professional nursing journal. Lo

Step One: Locate an article in a professional nursing journal.


Step One: Locate an article in a professional nursing journal.

Locate the name of a recent (<5 years), professional, nursing journal related to the area of nursing you are interested in pursuing. Please refer to the Library and APA Resources to help guide you.  Find one scholarly, peer-reviewed article in that journal that interests you and read it; editorial and topical articles will not suffice.  Step Two: Write an APA reference. Use the article that you found to write a properly formatted APA reference; only the reference is needed, you do not need to write a summary for this assignment. Type the APA reference on a Word document.  Please include the appropriate heading for a 7th edition APA reference page Step Three: Submit TWO attachments to Canvas (See instructions here (Links to an external site.) for uploading more than one file to a submission) Attach the reference in Word format. Attach the article in a .pdf format. You will need to submit a copy of your article; this needs to be a .pdf file and not just a copy of the link. Please see the rubric for details on how to avoid deductions for this assignment. 

The purpose of this assignment is to consider that you will present at an impor

The purpose of this assignment is to consider that you will present at an impor

The purpose of this assignment is to consider that you will present at an important meeting about healthcare policy. Your role is to represent the perspective of nurses about this particular issue and provide a presentation to the group.


Refer to APA Manual for how to write an effective introduction. State the purpose of the paper.  

Main Content: 

First, choose a policy or agenda item related to nurses that is proposed by the American Nurses Association, state or federal government agencies or legislative bodies, a state nursing board, a state nursing association, or a professional nursing specialty organization (such as Oncology Nurse Association, Wound Care Nurse Association, Advanced Practice Nurse Association, or Clinical Nurse Leader Association).   Explain the significance of this policy and why it is of interest.
Next, using professional and government websites and scholarly articles, analyze the issue thoroughly so that you have data and information to include in your presentation. What is the history of this issue? Who is affected by this issue? How will policy related to this issue affect nurses or your particular nurse’s association? Clearly outline the policy or issue with key points highlighted that demonstrate your understanding.  
Research the key stakeholders who might be attending the meeting and identify them as specifically as possible.  You may select one stakeholder or one group of stakeholders (decision-makers) as your audience for the presentation.


Write closing comments about the process of writing the letter; do not introduce new material in the conclusion.

Total of 3 (not including title page or reference page) using the required cover page with your program name clearly labeled that contains your speech verbatim as you would deliver it to this group. Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (a minimum of 3 scholarly sources and a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles) to support your facts.  One source may be the course textbook.Create a PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following:


Introduce yourself, your purpose in addressing the meeting, and the perspective you are representing in your presentation. 

Main Content:

Include an overview of the issue, including a brief history and the importance of the issue or policy. From there, select two to four key points related to the issue or policy supported by research, data, facts, and figures. 
Provide details and examples that help the audience understand the specifics of the policy or issue.
Finally, include information about the potential implications for the issue or policy as it affects the nursing perspective you are representing. 


End with a strong conclusion that reviews your main points and makes a clear recommendation for the action that needs to take place during the meeting or in subsequent meetings.  
Remember that you need to be convincing as well as professional demonstrating your thorough knowledge of the subject and the perspective of the group you are representing.

A PowerPoint that has 5 slides highlighting the main points of your presentation.

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are f

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are f

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are first scientists? Why or why not? What are the implications of acting as a scientist and how can you ensure that you will practice along these guidelines?
APA format
Check for plagiarim and AI
Attached us the discussion rubric and reading
Must site one outside source

Problem: Controlling the resource of time. -too much on the calendar forces the

Controlling the resource of time.
-too much on the calendar forces the

Controlling the resource of time.
-too much on the calendar forces the organization to do too many events at a 50% proficiency rate versus doing what is important to that unit at a 90% proficiency
– Creates improper planning timelines for large-scale resources to be applied against that event. For example, ammunition, fuel, food, and land for large organizations for multiple days. 
–  Technology erodes calendared events even further with the ability of the technology to make inflight adjustments or competing priorities. (Cell phone groups pin balling things around)
– Every second is accounted for at the higher echelon which give zero time to the subordinate unit. 
– We are losing the ability to be thorough and discipline
– Ensure events have a deliberate recovery time before another major event. 
– Make sure there is time on the calendar for absolutely nothing to be done. 
– Outlaw text groups during the work day for zero deviation and thoroughness.

Problem: Controlling the resource of time. -too much on the calendar forces the

Controlling the resource of time.
-too much on the calendar forces the

Controlling the resource of time.
-too much on the calendar forces the organization to do too many events at a 50% proficiency rate versus doing what is important to that unit at a 90% proficiency
– Creates improper planning timelines for large-scale resources to be applied against that event. For example, ammunition, fuel, food, and land for large organizations for multiple days. 
–  Technology erodes calendared events even further with the ability of the technology to make inflight adjustments or competing priorities. (Cell phone groups pin balling things around)
– Every second is accounted for at the higher echelon which give zero time to the subordinate unit. 
– We are losing the ability to be thorough and discipline
– Ensure events have a deliberate recovery time before another major event. 
– Make sure there is time on the calendar for absolutely nothing to be done. 
– Outlaw text groups during the work day for zero deviation and thoroughness.

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are f

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are f

Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are first scientists? Why or why not? What are the implications of acting as a scientist and how can you ensure that you will practice along these guidelines?
APA format
Check for plagiarim and AI
Attached us the discussion rubric and reading
Must site one outside source

For this assignment, develop a PowerPoint presentation explaining the applied d

For this assignment, develop a PowerPoint presentation explaining the applied d

For this assignment, develop a PowerPoint presentation explaining the applied doctoral dissertation process at NU to a colleague or prospective student interested in the DHA program. Your presentation should discuss, at a minimum: major differences between applied doctoral projects and theoretical research dissertations (e.g., Ph.D.), key milestones and deliverables for each applied dissertation course (DIS9911-DIS9914), the 3-section dissertation manuscript, and the professional presentation/dissertation defense. In addition, your presentation should discuss potential barriers or risks to completing your project and strategies you will implement to minimize the risks. 
Length: 8-10 slides, one slide per dissertation section, and additional slides as needed. Include speaker notes of 100-150 words, a title page, and a references page
References:  Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journals.

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper.

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper.

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper. In this section, you must include the following items:
1) an overview of your chosen topic (a brief history of the issue, why it is a problem, how it affects your community, etc.) and your current knowledge of the topic;
2) how this issue relates to public health and what you have learned in this unit; and
3) two job opportunities that could come from this issue and how these jobs would potentially assist in solving this problem.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of two references, one of which could be your textbook. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community (such as a newspaper or journal article). Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in APA Style.