For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper.

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper.

For this assignment, you will complete the introductory section of your paper. In this section, you must include the following items:
1) an overview of your chosen topic (a brief history of the issue, why it is a problem, how it affects your community, etc.) and your current knowledge of the topic;
2) how this issue relates to public health and what you have learned in this unit; and
3) two job opportunities that could come from this issue and how these jobs would potentially assist in solving this problem.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of two references, one of which could be your textbook. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community (such as a newspaper or journal article). Any information from these sources must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in APA Style.

   Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A. Examine a healthcare organization that has significance to you, using the American Hospital Directory (AHD) and the Care Compare websites found in the Web Links section, and complete the following:
1. Identify the healthcare organization you selected from the AHD by name and location.
2. Explain why you chose the healthcare organization in part A1 and any significance the organization has to you, including specific examples.
3. Describe (suggested length 1–2 paragraphs) the healthcare organization from A1 and the “type of facility” it is, according to AHD website, and the types of services this kind of facility typically provides.
a. Explain what the “type of control”, according to AHD website, means for this healthcare organization identified in part A1 and how it informs the services typically provided at this healthcare organization.
4. Discuss the facility’s Overall Star Rating from the Care Compare website and identify how the Star Rating is measured. If the facility does not have an Overall Star Rating explain why.
a. Identify one credible additional source of quality data on healthcare organizations.
5. Discuss two organizational ethics that are reflected in the type of facility and the type of control listed for this organization, including specific examples.
6. Discuss the nurse’s role in fiscal responsibility for this type of organization related to value-based care, including specific examples.
7. Describe one healthcare organizational change that could improve the delivery of value-based healthcare for the healthcare organization from part A1.
B. Compare the financial structure and data of the healthcare organization you discussed in part A with another organization listed on the AHD and Care Compare websites that is within the same or an adjacent state, including specific examples from each healthcare organization.
1. Discuss which healthcare organization from part B is more aligned with value-based healthcare, including one scholarly evidence source published within the last five years to support the discussion.
2. Discuss which healthcare organization from part B is more supportive of equitable patient-centered care, including one scholarly evidence source published within the last five years to support the discussion.
3. Discuss one financial and one quality data source that could inform organizational transformation in any healthcare organization.
C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. (American Hospital Directory) (Care Compare)
Grading Rubric
Not Evident: The submission does not identify a healthcare facility.
Approaching Competence: The submission is missing the healthcare facility’s name or location, or the organization is not selected from the AHD website.
Competent: The submission identifies the healthcare facility by the organization’s name and location, and the organization is selected from the AHD website.
Not Evident: The submission does not explain why the healthcare organization identified in part A1 was chosen.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not explain the significance the organization has to the learner, or the submission is not supported with specific examples.
Competent: The submission explains why the healthcare organization identified in part A1 was chosen and any significance it has to the learner, and the submission is supported with specific examples.
Not Evident: A description of the organization from part A1 is not provided.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not accurately describe the organization identified in part A1 or does not include the “type of facility” it is. Or the description does not accurately include the types of services typically provided at this kind of organization.
Competent: The submission accurately describes the organization identified in part A1, including the “type of facility” it is and the types of services typically provided at this kind of organization.
Not Evident: The submission does not explain the “type of control” for the healthcare organization identified in part A1.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not provide a logical explanation of what “type of control” means for the healthcare organization identified in part A1. Or the submission does not logically explain how the “type of control” informs the services typically provided at this healthcare organization.
Competent: The submission provides a logical explanation of what “type of control” means for the healthcare organization identified in part A1 and how the specific “type of control” informs the services typically provided at this healthcare organization.
Not Evident: The submission does not discuss the Overall Star Rating or identify any relevant measures of the Star Rating for the healthcare organization from part A1.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not logically discuss the organization’s Overall Star Rating or what this rating means for the healthcare organization from part A1. Or the submission does not correctly identify the relevant measures used to generate the Star Rating.
Competent: The submission logically discusses the organization’s Overall Star Rating and what this rating means for the healthcare organization from part A1. The submission correctly identifies all relevant measures used to generate the Star Rating.
A4a:Source of Quality Data
Not Evident: The submission does not identify 1 additional source of quality data on healthcare organizations.
Approaching Competence: The submission identifies 1 additional source of quality data on healthcare organizations, but the chosen source is not credible.
Competent: The submission identifies 1 credible additional source of quality data on healthcare organizations.
A5:Organizational Ethics
Not Evident: The submission does not discuss any organizational ethics reflected in the “type of facility” and “type of control” listed for the chosen organization.
Approaching Competence: The submission discusses only 1 of the organizational ethics, or 1 or both of the ethics are not reflected in the “type of facility” or “type of control” listed for this organization. Or 1 or both ethics discussed are not plausible. Or the discussion does not provide specific examples of how both ethics are reflected in the organization.
Competent: The submission discusses 2 plausible organizational ethics that are reflected in the type of facility and type of control listed for the chosen organization. Both ethics are plausible, and the discussion provides specific examples of how both ethics are reflected in the organization.
A6:Nursing Role in Value-Based Care
Not Evident: The submission does not discuss the nurse’s role in fiscal responsibility.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not present a logical discussion of the nurse’s role in fiscal responsibility for this type of organization. Or the nursing role discussed is not related to value-based care, or the discussion does not provide specific examples.
Competent: The submission presents a logical discussion of the nurse’s role in fiscal responsibility for this type of organization as related to value-based care, and the discussion provides specific examples.
A7:Organizational Change for Value-Based Healthcare
Not Evident: A description of 1 healthcare organizational change that could improve the delivery of value-based healthcare is not provided.
Approaching Competence: The description of 1 healthcare organizational change that could improve the delivery of value-based healthcare is irrelevant or implausible for the healthcare organization from part A1.
Competent: The description of 1 healthcare organizational change that could improve the delivery of value-based healthcare for the healthcare organization from part A1 is relevant and plausible.
B:Compare Financial Structures
Not Evident: A comparison of the financial structures and data of the healthcare organization from part A and another organization is not provided.
Approaching Competence: The comparison of the financial structures and data of the organization discussed in part A and a second healthcare organization is inaccurate or illogical. Or the comparison does not include the name or location of the second healthcare organization, or the location is not within the same or an adjacent state. Or the comparison does not include specific examples from each healthcare organization’s financial structure.
Competent: The comparison of the financial structures and data of the organization discussed in part A and a second healthcare organization is accurate and logical. The comparison includes the name and location of the second healthcare organization, and the organization is in the same or an adjacent state. The comparison includes specific examples from each healthcare organization’s financial structure.
B1:Alignment with Value-Based Healthcare
Not Evident: A discussion of which healthcare organization from part B is more aligned with value-based healthcare is not provided.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not present a logical discussion of which healthcare organization from part B is more aligned with value-based healthcare, or the discussion does not provide relevant supporting details. Or the discussion is not supported with 1 scholarly evidence source that was published within the last 5 years.
Competent: The submission presents a logical discussion of which healthcare organization from part B is more aligned with value-based healthcare, with relevant supporting details. The discussion is supported with 1 scholarly evidence source that was published within the last 5 years.
B2:Equitable Patient-Centered Care
Not Evident: A discussion of which healthcare organization is more supportive of equitable patient-centered care is not provided.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not present a logical discussion of which healthcare organization from part B is more supportive of equitable patient-centered care, or the discussion does not provide relevant supporting details. Or the discussion is not supported with 1 scholarly evidence source that was published within the last 5 years.
Competent: The submission presents a logical discussion of which healthcare organization from part B is more supportive of equitable patient-centered care, with relevant supporting details. The discussion is supported with 1 scholarly evidence source that was published within the last 5 years.
B3:Sources to Inform Organizational Transformation
Not Evident: The submission discusses neither 1 financial nor 1 quality data source.
Approaching Competence: The submission does not discuss both 1 financial and 1 quality data source. Or 1 or more of the data sources are implausible or irrelevant to informing organizational transformation in a healthcare organization.
Competent: The submission discusses 1 plausible financial and 1 plausible quality data source that are relevant to informing organizational transformation in a healthcare setting.
Not Evident: The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Approaching Competence: The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list; however, the citations or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate.
Competent: The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available. 

Please use the Swanson’s Theory of Caring Describe the theorist and principle

Please use the Swanson’s Theory of Caring
Describe the theorist and principle

Please use the Swanson’s Theory of Caring
Describe the theorist and principles of the theory.
Compare and contrast your nursing practice to this theory.
Does your practice align with the principles of this theory in any way, or at any time? Why or why not?
half a page
 contain at least two citations with corresponding references.

  As a child, you probably did not say you wanted to be an anthropologist when

As a child, you probably did not say you wanted to be an anthropologist when

As a child, you probably did not say you wanted to be an anthropologist when you grew up. Nonetheless, this course has probably influenced your understanding of what anthropologists do and how anthropology can be applied in our everyday lives. This discussion offers you the opportunity to share your insights.
To prepare for your initial post, review the “Areas of Anthropological Study” section on the Careers in Anthropology page from the American Anthropological Association. Choose two of the ways anthropologists are working outside of an academic context. In your initial post, be sure to do the following:
Identify which two types of nonacademic work you selected.
State why you selected these two work environments. (What stood out to you about how anthropology is used in this context?)
Explain what an anthropologist does in each of the work environments you chose.
Reflect on how you will apply what you have learned in this course to your everyday observations and interactions, using specific examples to help your peers understand.

  Discussion Board Four- TBA- DUE 6/27 1. Read “God’s Stone in the pool of Slav

Discussion Board Four- TBA- DUE 6/27
1. Read “God’s Stone in the pool of Slav

Discussion Board Four- TBA- DUE 6/27
1. Read “God’s Stone in the pool of Slavery” by Stephen B. Oates
2. Respond in Canvas discussions page to the following question.
Dr. Stone argues that both the North and South experienced different effects as a result of John Brown’s raid. Briefly discuss a effect on the North and South as a result of the raid.  your examples MUST be from the article. No other source will earn credit. I am watching turn it in scores.
Your first post AND response are due on June, 27th.  MUST be 250 Words AND Cited correctly.
3. Respond to one classmate’s post. Must be 150 words and in direct relation to the classmates posting.
3. You must use correct “Chicago Style” in text citations to cite your evidence from the text.
Example of correct citation:
In Text Citation: (Example Only) 
As they had been left in charge of the financial decisions in their households in their husbands’ absence, economic decisions became political. Women and girls across the patriotic colonies “boycotted tea and wore dresses of homespun rather than imported cloth” (Berkin 142).
At the end of your post: you must have the citation as it is below:
Berkin Carol. Revolutionary Mothers : Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence. 1st ed. Knopf : Distributed by Random House 2005. Pages 137-152
4. BOTH your original post and your response to a classmate are due by 11:59 on June 27th..
5. Your post must be 250 words.  Your response must be 150 words.
5. READ and Follow the discussion post rubric for scoring

  Overview Basic scientific literacy is essential for understanding real-world

Basic scientific literacy is essential for understanding real-world

Basic scientific literacy is essential for understanding real-world applications of the natural sciences. As a consumer and voter, you will be faced with issues that require a basic understanding of science. For example, you might ask yourself the following questions: How can genetically modified foods affect my health? Should scientists be held liable for not predicting earthquakes that led to human casualties, as they were in Italy in 2012? Is anthropogenic climate change real? Is fracking a concern where I live? Because of the prevalence of natural science issues such as these, it is important to understand basic natural science concepts and how they impact our daily lives.
The project for this course has two parts. In part one, you conducted a research investigation that examined an issue in the natural sciences. You identified appropriate resources for investigating the issue you selected, used these resources to develop a question related to the issue, and applied natural science principles to the issue and question. In addition, you identified an audience who would be interested in the selected issue. In Part Two, you will develop a presentation for the audience you identified in Part One. In your presentation, you will explain how scientific thinking has impacted you and your audience, supporting your claims with evidence.
Part Two of this project addresses the following course outcomes:
Illustrate the impact of scientific thinking on personal and professional experiences
Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of the natural world
Utilize empirical evidence in drawing conclusions about the impact of contemporary scientific issues on individuals and society
Referring to your research investigation, create a presentation that explains how scientific thinking has impacted you and discusses the impact of your selected issue on your audience.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Provide a brief overview of the scientific background of your issue and question. How does the issue relate to the natural sciences?
Explain how the issue impacts the audience. In other words, how is the issue relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care about the response to your question or the outcome of your hypothesis? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
Describe the empirical evidence you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the issue on you personally and on your audience. Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
Explain why this issue is important to you personally. In other words, why did you select this issue to investigate?
Illustrate how your investigation of the issue impacted the way you thought about the issue. In other words, how did thinking like a scientist to research, develop a question, and formulate a hypothesis affect what you thought about the issue you selected? How did scientific thinking change the lens through which you viewed the issue? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.
Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential knowledge of current natural science (or lack thereof), and what is specifically important to the audience.
What to Submit
Your presentation should have approximately 5–7 slides in Prezi, PowerPoint, or another comparable presentation tool. Make sure to include your speaker notes so that your instructor knows what you would say if you were actually giving the presentation. Note: If using Prezi, include a separate Word document with notes. If using PowerPoint, include speaker notes.

Discussion Board Three- TBA- DUE 6/20 1. Read  THE POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF ANDRE

Discussion Board Three- TBA- DUE 6/20

Discussion Board Three- TBA- DUE 6/20
2. Respond in Canvas discussions page to the following question.
If Andrew Jackson could analyze  his Presidency for us today, would He consider himself a success or failure?  Use evidence from the article to support your opinion. Make sure you use in-text citations.  Also…. Notice the date of the article.
MUST be 250 Words AND Cited correctly.
3. Respond to one classmate’s post. Must be 150 words and in direct relation to the classmates posting.
3. You must use correct “Chicago Style” in text citations to cite your evidence from the text.
Example of correct citation:
In Text Citation:
As they had been left in charge of the financial decisions in their households in their husbands’ absence, economic decisions became political. Women and girls across the patriotic colonies “boycotted tea and wore dresses of homespun rather than imported cloth” (Berkin 142).
At the end of your post: you must have the citation as it is below:
Berkin Carol. Revolutionary Mothers : Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence. 1st ed. Knopf : Distributed by Random House 2005. Pages 137-152
4. BOTH your original post and your response to a classmate are due by 11:59 on June 20th..
5. Your post must be 250 words.  Your response must be 150 words.
5. READ and Follow the discussion post rubric for scoring